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This compiles and runs for me:



  player0x = 77 : player0y = 48

  temp1{0} = 1


  COLUP0 = $9C

  v{1} = temp1{0}


  goto __Main_Loop


If that doesn't work for you, maybe your version of bB is broken.

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Thanks for the help. As it turns out, that wasn't the problem I don't think. I had accidentally done something else wrong. Nevertheless, here is the beginning of level 6. The limbs are randomly generated when you first encounter them. If you happen to fall down to the screen below, it will remember where the last limbs were so it doesn't accidentally generate two more limb placements. Although I don't know why limbs would be inside a tree and not outside. So I guess don't think of them as limbs, more like platforms in a tree.


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OK, I think the problem I was having is fixed. At least I hope it is. What it was was that when you were jumping in the center of the screen and on the highest ledge, it wasn't going to the upper screen, you would hit an invisible limb at the top of the screen and move back down. I guess the end fight for level six will have to be in bank 5 because I only have 400 or so bytes left in bank 5 which is the bank that level 6 is in right now. Hopefully I can fit the rest of level 6 in it.


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Began work on the ending of level 6 where you fight the queen bee. The object is to jump on her head after she dive bombs you to try and sting you. I've put here two binary files. plim37iamlazy.bin goes straight to the queen bee fight, while plim37workwayup.bin has you start at the beginning of level 6 and work your way up the tree. In case you're wondering why the bee is a yellow square, it's because I need someone to design a bee sprite for me.



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...I need someone to design a bee sprite for me.


I'm not sure just what you're looking for, but here's an animated bee in 8x8 pixels. :)





 .byte %01010000
 .byte %00111001
 .byte %10111010
 .byte %01010101
 .byte %00111000
 .byte %00111000
 .byte %00110000
 .byte %01000000

 .byte %01010000
 .byte %00111000
 .byte %00111000
 .byte %11010111
 .byte %00111000
 .byte %10111011
 .byte %00110000
 .byte %01000000

Edited by KevinMos3
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OK, I totally redesigned the game to make use of the pfcolors thing. There is a change in the gameplay in level 1, though: You can only fire your gun when you're on the lowest level. Other than that, everything should be OK. The game should be a little better looking now. Let me know if there are any bugs, though.


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It's looking good. I like the gradients in the sky and inside the fish. The rest of the game looks pretty good too. The only criticism I can think of is the bee. He's moving backward (his stinger should be pointing the direction he's moving). :)


Great work so far. Glad to see this game's progress.




Here's an alternate bee animation:


And a Stella save state to go straight to the bee (needs unzipped and placed in saves directory):




Let me know what you think.

Edited by KevinMos3
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  • 3 weeks later...

OK. I came back to this game. Added a cutscene for level 6-7. Level 7 puts you at the beginning of a forest. You'll notice that you can go behind and above the trees but not through them. This took a lot of time to figure out how to do this. I did this to give the game a sort of 3D look. I haven't forgot about the game, it's been in the back of my mind and just now started up again.


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OK. I ran into something strange. I told the program that if player0 collides with the playfield when it gets a new position for the apple to NOT be red and instead be the same color as the background. But it looks like it wants to ignore my plea. Guess what. It is not green but red. What is going on here? Level 7 info starts at line 4667 in case you want to help me.



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I changed the apple to a watermelon the width of a pfpixel. I played this latest version for 3 minutes and didn't find any problems. If you find anything odd, like the game resetting, or the watermelon touching a tree, tell me. The forest is two screens wide, so if the watermelon isn't on the screen you're on, try the other one.



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Argh! I ran out of room for new sprites! Actually, I had to cut back a lot on the intro because of this. The alien no longer walks around the Plim logo, Frank is watching an all-white TV screen, and I had to do the static differently. I wonder if it would be all right to make a 2-cart game. When you're done with cart 1, you insert cart 2. This would allow for 14 levels instead of just 7. A 64k cart wouldn't work because I would still have run out of room for sprites. Anyway, this build starts at the beginning to show what I had to do to the intro to get enough sprite storage space to finish level 7.


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  • 2 months later...

Help me get this working in 64k! I downloaded the 64k bB files, put them in a directory called bb64k. Visual bB is being a butthole again, thinking that the second end in this bit of code is a duplicate label definition (whatever that means.)


if k<10 then player1:

if k>9 then player1:

In addition it says that the command "64k" is not known. I was hoping that 64k would give me room for more sprites.

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