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THE 1 2 P's Demo/Import/Gaming Blog - Beaten


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In the last two days I have beaten Halo 3(my first 360 game to be beaten) and Star Wars: Republic Commando on the Xbox. Thats two games this month and five total for the year. Atleast thats one resolution that I ended up sticking to. I liked Halo 3 but the ending was confusing. Actually, alot of the game was mildly confusing. But it was enjoyable and now I'm replaying parts in order to gain hidden achievements and skulls.


Star Wars: Republic Commando just seemed to drag on during the last level. It was more of the same and then my squad mates started acting alittle stupid. But over all I had fun with it. I definitely wouldn't put it in my top 5 favorite fps games but it was a nice gaming experience for someone who's never played any squad based games before.


I've also been playing alot of demos on my 360 lately. Resident Evil 5 was fun but could have been alot better if the controls weren't so shitty. And those bosses in the demo are almost impossible to kill. Fear 2 was cool but it didn't freak me out or anything. After playing all the way thru the Japanese import version of Silent Hill 1 on the PS1 and Doom 3 on the Xbox, very few gaming experiences can freak me out now. I downloaded the Halo Wars demo but I still haven't gotten around to playing it yet. And finally, I played Star Wars: The Forced Unleashed demo. That shit was fun(I had previously played alittle bit of the PS3 version in Best Buy) and I've played thru it multiple times just to feel the awesome power of my force powers.


My cases for my special project arrived today. I will be putting that together tomorrow and then posting it later. It's something I have been looking forward to for awhile and I'll make sure to add plenty of pics when I get it done. Right now it's time to watch UFC 95. I'm going with Sanchez by submission in the main event. Holla.



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