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Controller keypad questions


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Inspired by my conversation with Atarimac in this thread, I had a couple questions about the 5200's keypads:


1) In the Atari800MacX emulator, if you press a keypad button (0-9, *, #, as well as Start/Pause/Reset), it registers simultaneously for all controllers -- the buttons don't work independently on separate controllers. This caught both of us by surprise. The FAQ isn't quite explicit on this point, so can someone confirm that these buttons function independently on real hardware? It wouldn't surprise me if Start/Pause/Reset are shared, but I'd be surprised if all the keypad buttons were.


2) If the answer to question #1 is "yes, these do function independently on real hardware", which games (if any) for the 5200 make use of the keypad on Controllers 2-4, especially in simultaneous play? It looks like Frogger and Frogger II probably do, albeit one player at a time, and I'm guessing RealSports Baseball does too. Any others?

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