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Arcade game bosses that would intimidate/frighten you


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Hey folks.

Ever get that one boss that would just OWN you time and again, and you were compelled to beat his ego into next week, but you knew as you popped another quarter in that he was going to hand out another week's worth of backside burn?


My choice... GEESE HOWARD of Fatal Fury 1 (he seemed to be a bit easier as the series continued). Just beat the crap out of me time and again. The only way to consistently have success against him, it seemed, was to use the Andy Bogard trick. Knock him down, and JUST as he was about to get up use the speed dash elbow attack. He has no chance if you time it right. Other than that.. ugh.. good luck.

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Sinistar. First time I heard "I HUNGER" I thought, what the heck is that?
And the second time you start chanting "Oh crap, oh crap, OH CRAP". That game is just stupid hard. Good call.

For me the Red Demon from Ghosts and Goblins comes to mind. I used to have dreams about getting to that second level. Took me *forever* to get past him.

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Sinistar has to be up there in the top 3. It is hard enough getting enough bombs, avoiding him while shooting bombs at him, but the warriors tend to shoot me in the process. HARD!!


I used to think that that Street Fighter II's M. Bison (American version - the red-capped dictator, not the boxer) was super cheap and near-impossible to beat. 2 or 3 good hits from him would deplete my health.


I feel the same way about SF III 3rd strike's boss -- *can* he be defeated? I have only won (on DC) by the timer expiring!

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Pyron from DarkStalkers.


DS was the first (and one of the few) fighting games I really got into. I was in college at the time, so there was plenty of time (if not always plenty of quarters) between classes to play the game. I wasn't in the habit of continuing games at the time, so it was a while before I reached Pyron. The first time I did, I was shaking. I had seen other people play against him, and he never let anyone off easy, even those that beat him. Needless to say, that first time I had my hat handed to me.


Gradually my skills and my tendency to continue improved, and Pyron eventually lost a bit of intimidation. But he still commanded respect and a few jitters even long after the first time I finally beat him.


I also have to say I giggled like a mad man the first time I successfully launched Felicia's 11-hit special attack against Pyron. That was sweet, sweet come-uppance.

Edited by skunkworx
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The one eyed alien from Space Fury.. when I was little he scared me to death, with speech synthesis being in it's infancy, his booming voice would freak me out. I used to call him the "one-eyed slob" then too... my parents thought that it would scare me away from video games forever.. boy were they wrong! *lol*

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Pac-Man frightened me. Before you laugh, it was only one machine. It was broken, but powered on. When I pressed left it would make a wokka wokka type noise. When I pressed other directions on the joystick it made other noises. I didn't notice that while I was doing that, right next to my leg, the wall outlet where Pac-Man was plugged into caught fire. My friend said something and I moved out of the way quick. Scared the crap out of me. From that day on I was scared of arcade machines a little.


Sinistar of course with that voice.


When I was really young I was at the Jersey Shore. Some game with a cabinet shaped like a Shark mouth with teeth used to scare me. I was probably 5 or 6 years old at the time, maybe younger.

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The MegaBucks from WWF Superstars.


It takes an assload of quarters and a fuckload of patience to beat them.


Ted DiBiase is easy. You just beat his ass. But, when he tags out to Andre, GOOD LUCK! You can't hurt Andre and 90% of your attacks do NOTHING to him. Even if you're Hogan, you still have a hard time beating them. At least in Wrestlefest, you can BEAT the Legion of Doom.

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  • 2 weeks later...
"Blues" from "Ye Ar Kung Fu". I have my doubts that beating him is even possible.

Good choice. I think I beat him ONCE without cheating. God, he doesn't stop moving.

I had a hard time with Tonfun, as well.


For home console games (I know it's off topic, sorry), Dr. Salvador and the Bella Sisters on Resident Evil 4, though they're not really bosses per se, would scare the s#*t outta me when they first fired up their chainsaws and screamed maniacally as they went after my head. They succeeded a number of times. Yuck!

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  • 6 years later...

Evil Otto from Frenzy used to give me goosebumps playing at the bowling alley with the voice. Though if I had the ColecoVision version when I was a kid, I'd be really scared at the Evil Otto in that one.





Two kids died playing Berzerk when Evil Otto appeared...true story...that face looks hideous. "HAVE A NICE DAY, OR DIE!" That sounds like something from the X-Men arcade game, lol


Did I mention the dragon from Super Zaxxon? WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? This game predated Bubble Bobble by 4 years, so it was real freaky.

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