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s0c7's Blog - Passing of the torch


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My son has been playing a lot of the old NES/SNES/N64 titles on the Wii virtual console in between bouts of playing World of Goo. I kind of skipped over the whole NES/SNES thing back in the day. Went 2600->Vic-20->C-64->IBM Clone->N64->Wii. So I'm not as up to speed on the whole NES/SNES retro scene.


Imagine my surprise when I came home from work last week and found my son (who is 6) had somehow found on the internet, downloaded, installed, & located the needed rom to use Lunar Magic (which I had never heard of before seeing him use it).


Super Mario World is one of his favorites and LM is a level editor for it. If you are like me and have never heard of it, check it out:



In the realm of the 2600, I will report I have dipped my toe in the waters of asm. It is both harder and easier than I was expecting - if that makes sense. I'm working on something simple to start. More on that one day later (maybe).


BTW - Al has a interesting avatar these days, don't you think? ;)


And it wouldn't be a blog entry from me without me inflicting my odd musical tastes on you:

Rick Rock






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