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shadow460's Blog - Job search and other stuff


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Its boring staying at home all the time. I stay up too late, sleep too late, then when I get up I fax a couple resumes off (the free limit at Faxzero is two a day) and either go put in applications or do something else job search related.

Today I made a list of ALL of my work history. From the after school tutoring in 1990 all the way up to my last job.


Last week I had a job fair and an interview. The job fair was simple, and I spoke to a manager about the position they had, however it had already been filled. The interview was something else--they offered me $12 an hour to supervise the maintenance crew in a high rise apartment. I'm scared of heights, and I was too chicken s**t to go on the roof of a 15 floor high rise even for a tour of the place. I will pass on becoming a bloody spot in the middle of May Avenue in any other fashion than jaywalking. Serious, like the only things you can see from up there are the two more high rise buildings, the New York Life tower, and tornadoes. I never went back, and they relisted the position on the internet.

I've spent many an hour on the roof of a place called SIMA Norfolk. It is, in case the name doesn't give it away, in Norfolk. However, that roof was about 40 feet up and had internal access from about three places inside the structure. It was pretty big, too, I'd guess there's probably half an acre up there to walk around on. I had zero trouble getting up and down and working on stuff up there. But 15 floors is about, oh, 200 feet by the time you add the elevator shack and the basement which I think is partly above ground. And the footprint is nowhere near half an acre. That plus acrophobia equals one scared senseless huan being. Maybe for $15 an hour I'd do it, but they never offered that.


Anyway, so I am back into the job searching mode. I never left it. I need to call Grace in Del City tomorrow and try to work from that end to see if my former employer is really going to create the position I'm supposed to get or if I should just forget it.


I benched a set of headphones this week. That is, I put them on the workbench for repairs. They were Optimus Pro 25's, now they have only the Pro 25 wire/inline volume, a Pro 35 diaphragm on the right and a Koss Porta Pro diaphragm on the left. One diaphragm is coated with metal and the other is plastic. Shockingly, they sound great. I used a Pro 35 headband, which clamps the phones solid to the wearer's head. It's not a comfortable band. It trades comfort for sound quality.


Also I'm trying to roll the score and difficulty in Subterranea. Every time I get it out, I get a little further then I hit a brick wall with it. I got shot four times in less than ten seconds at one point. I didn't have a chance to move or shoot back--four times over an enemy appeared from the right and blasted me. I slammed the stick down (something rare for me) and hit reset. After the next game, I took a five minute break. I played for about fifteen minutes after that then stopped. I've acted out smashing the cartridge with my bard hands, throwing the cartridge, burning the cartridge, wiping my butt with the instructions, burning the instructions, and ripping the instructions to ribbons. It felt good. I didn't actually do any of that, but acting it out felt great! :evil:



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