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Jboypacman's Blog - Video Game Memories: Pong


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My first memories of a video game is being in my grandparents living room and my aunt still being in high school at the time had her boyfriend and friends over on a Saturday night and I remember this because Saturday Night Live was on.


All of them gathering around the TV set and hooking up this off white almost mushroom shaped thing with fake wood grain and two black and sliver knobs and some black slider switches on the front between the knobs this alien lifeform was the.....Coleco Telestar.


I know now this was one of many Pong units that had flooded the marketplace and man was it a beauty and i wanted to play it! Once i saw those two white sticks on the black screen knocking what was supposed to be a ball but really was a square across the screen to each other.


I only got to play it maybe once or twice and i remember when watching everyone else play on it i would act like it was me playing the game making motions with my hands like i was turning the knobs on the machine.


Ah the memories. :)































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