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Zach's Projects - Mac OS 10.5: First Impressions


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I am a long time Windows user who just set up a new computer on Saturday, a Mac Mini running on OS X Leopard. I haven't even used it for 12 hours yet, so here are my first impressions. I didn't get the Mac to replace my PC, and I plan to use both for a long time to come. In fact, they share the same keyboard, monitor, and mouse.



Overall easy to navigate operating system.

Calculator with programmer mode. :)

Graphing calculator!

Built-in dictionary. :D What took so long?

Weather panel. :love:



No built-in simple paint program equivalent to mspaint. Um, didn't Apple pioneer this kind of application? I spent a while looking over free Linux programs before I found Paintbrush.

Having to use a different key for keyboard shortcuts. :woozy: Hopefully there's a way to change this without going too deep in the code.

Font in Safari is harder to read than Firefox on my PC. I'm using the same monitor, but I'm getting headaches more easily on the Mac. I'm sure there's a way to change the fonts, but it was nice when Firefox looked good from the start.

Safari doesn't display URL's of links before you click them? Maybe I'll install Firefox on the Apple as well.


Again, I haven't been using it that long, and these are just first impressions. I haven't even tried iTunes and some of the other software yet.








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