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THE 1 2 P's Demo/Import/Gaming Blog - The Ides of March


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What the hell is an ide anyway? Regardless, heres today's shopping finds:




TNA Impact $7.48 at Target

Code Name: The Cleaner $3.00 at Circuit City

Psyclone 360 Recharge Kit W/2 Batteries(sealed) $9.99 at Goodwill

1600 Microsoft Points $19.99 at Best Buy

Bunch of Xbox kiosk demos from my friend Amanda




Strategy guides all a penny from Best Buy

Silent Hill: Home Coming


Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels


Not a bad haul for the first March run. My local Circuit City will be closed in six days so theres no more deals coming from there. I'm still keeping up with my store discount/clearance thread and Target continues to produce great deals. Best Buy does too but mostly for strategy guides. Those strategy guides have become very profitable for me though.


I realize that I haven't been keeping up with this blog as much as I use to. I only added a few entries during February. I noticed myself because I haven't been writing much but what really made me take note is all of the letters, emails and text messages yall have been sending asking when I will add more entries. I feel your pain but yall obviously have never dated a Playboy model. They are so damn demanding....of your time and everything else. It's a tough job but someones gotta do it. But I haven't forgotten the little people. And since the people have spoken---I have listened. So this month I will make sure to add atleast two entries a week, which is more than what I did last week.


Lately I've become obsessed with achievement points on 360. I almost bought Avatar just for the quick 1,000 points(that can be acquired in ten minutes). Almost. I'm still trying to get the rest of my Halo 3 achievements, among other games like Stranglehold. And I'm still sticking to my resolution to beat atleast two games a month(so far I've beaten 5 games this year). This month Stranglehold will be beaten with atleast another game to follow shortly after.


I finally received all the pieces to do my special project so you can finally look forward to that coming within the next 48 hours....I promise this time. Unless of course my sexy ass girlfriend decides that she wants to do a spur of the moment......never mind. Anyway, as the kids say: I'll holla.



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