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atari2600land's Blog - Insects and hamburgers


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There's these really small insects flying around my house. Luckily, they're not bees or flies, but they're really annoying me. I just killed two of them so far today. I'm guessing they're gnats, but i'm not sure. I wish they were small ants (not the kind we got rid of, which we called Terminix for) , which are much easier to spot and much easier to kill. Anyway, we apparently signed up for quarterly Terminix service, and they're supposed to come around next month. If I keep seeing them, I will definitely tell them about it and see what they can do. I don't know why i'm posting this here.

Anyway, I did watch "The Bloody Brood" last night. It's a story about beatniks who feed a delivery boy (by "boy", we apparently mean someone around my age, mid-20s.) a hamburger with shards of glass in it and make him die "just for kicks." The brother of the boy tries to find out whodunnit with help from a cop who gives him tips on how to do detective work. Anyway, watching these old late '50s-early '60s movies, I've been learning things about beatniks: They are very strange and very EVIL. Up next in my bad movie watching marathon: The Legend of Bigfoot. I don't know why a Bigfoot documentary is included with a bunch of horror movies, but I shall find out if there is a reason.



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