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Goal #1 of 2 of my Atari 2600 collecting has been reached. I got a second 2600. This one is a Vader (the other one is a 4-switch). Now, all I have to do is get 300 games. That's my second goal. Right now I have 256 (Off the Wall, Raft Rider and Lost Luggage came in the mail yesterday.) I just ordered Cosmic Creeps, Flash Gordon and Thunderground. Actually, my second goal was just to fill up my 2600 bookshelf (that'd take 288 games.) Then I thought, why not just shoot for a dozen more? I don't know where I'd keep those dozen, though. Right now they're alphabetically arranged (from 2005 Minigame Multicart to Zaxxon). #-G is on the first shelf, G-S on the second, and S-Z on the third. Actually, I'm quite proud of the collection i have now, which is mostly a tribute to how you can get such weird, old electronic stuff off the internet. Only a fraction of the games I have I got at Game Crazy and Value Village. Well, anyway, at the rate I'm going now, I hope to be at my goal by early next year. I hope I make it!



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