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Pinch me. Scored the most amazing lot tonight! Youtube video up now!


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Nice... I wish it would have stayed east lol... dang... I didn't hear a list of all NES games though, no love?


I will do a seperate video for the NES stuff. I plan on keeping the Bubble Bobble and Arkanoid. All other will be on the Chuckwagon. I will also be listing the Atari7800 stuff and 5200 stuff.


There was about 30 2600 boxed games - mostly Activision and most of those will be kept by me. The Colecovision stuff is up in the air now as well as the Mystique and X-Man.

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I can't stop drooling!

Great score!

Dang Xman CIB!

Tank Command CIB!

And all those sweet Colecovision CIBS!

I dont know if I could have stayed calm enough to pay the man! :D

Send me a pm when you list anything please.

Again nice score! G'luck with it all! :)

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With many of my complete atari collections coming to an end, I've been kicking around a the idea of having 5200 collection for about a year now, and had not started yet. This could be a good jump start. I would suggest for guys like me who aren't rolling in the dough, but want a bunch of this to kinda eek it up (at least the rares) so we have time to afford it.


Side note on that Tank Command... it took me a year to get a Tank Command... since I got it, this is now the second or third sealed copy and something like the 8th one for sale anywhere I've seen. What are they reporoducing in the sewers!?



P.S. I know you don't want to say until you sell it all, but please one day make us all green and tell us what you paid for everything. Personally I wouldn't tell until you sell what your going to sell... ;)



Edited by the.golden.ax
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With many of my complete atari collections coming to an end, I've been kicking around a the idea of having 5200 collection for about a year now, and had not started yet. This could be a good jump start. I would suggest for guys like me who aren't rolling in the dough, but want a bunch of this to kinda eek it up (at least the rares) so we have time to afford it.


Side note on that Tank Command... it took me a year to get a Tank Command... since I got it, this is now the second or third sealed copy and something like the 8th one for sale anywhere I've seen. What are they reporoducing in the sewers!?



P.S. I know you don't want to say until you sell it all, but please one day make us all green and tell us what you paid for everything. Personally I wouldn't tell until you sell what your going to sell... ;)




He all ready told up he paid $800 :D

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Get ready for some pics of an incredible score I had last night. Just finished going through everything and can't say just how amazing this lot is. Over 300 boxed games from the Colecovision, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atark 7800 and the NES. I was freaking out while in boxing everything. WOW!

Great find, I found a similiar find last year. Found about 120 NES boxed games, Ive never seen a boxed arkanoid 2, but I did sell a boxed arkanoid for around 80.00

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Youtube blocked at work - can't see until tonight :( :x

Is it also blocked when embedded?


Don't worry, you're not missing much. He just shows boxed game after boxed game that you'll wish you had. Piles upon piles of them. Only just quite a few rare ones for 5200/Coleco/2600. Nothing to see here, move along now.

Edited by Mirage1972
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Youtube blocked at work - can't see until tonight :( :x

Is it also blocked when embedded?


Don't worry, you're not missing much. He just shows boxed game after boxed game that you'll wish you had. Piles upon piles of them. Only just quite a few rare ones for 5200/Coleco/2600. Nothing to see here, move along now.


Besides, it's unbecoming to cry at work. Wait 'till you get home.

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yep... I had to pause the damned video last night and go to the fridge to get a beer. After seeing those Xonox boxes and then that XMAN I almost cried! LOL


Yup. Just the thought of, "I see it, but I'll never actually hold that in my hands." Sort of like looking at Playboy centerfolds when I was 13. :D

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