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7800, it's computer and Wikipedia

Classic Pac

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I don't know about you but I use Wikipedia a lot, maybe a lot more than I like to admit. You see over the years I have been here I learned a lot more about the 7800 than I ever knew. So after seeing the post on it's computer once again, i decided to see what Wikipedia had and it isn't much. See what I mean





For one it doesn't even mention the computer, and I am very sure than unreleased game list is far from complete. Could someone here who knows more about this update it?

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I don't know about you but I use Wikipedia a lot, maybe a lot more than I like to admit. You see over the years I have been here I learned a lot more about the 7800 than I ever knew. So after seeing the post on it's computer once again, i decided to see what Wikipedia had and it isn't much. See what I mean





For one it doesn't even mention the computer, and I am very sure than unreleased game list is far from complete. Could someone here who knows more about this update it?



It says that:


atari later began to use bankswitching in 1988, releasing 64K and later 128K (1 megabit games). By the end of the system’s life cycle, most games were 128K in size, with a few being 144K. While the system was certainly capable of playing even larger games (4 megabit and beyond) no games of that size were developed.


That I did not know! Now if they did that in the first place, develop 7800 games in 4 mbs or more. Would they have had a better chance at winning the war with Nintendo, or Sega????

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The "7800 it is computer"? WTF?


Are you talking about the keyboard attachment?

Your evil Zylonbane. Its obvious your a jerk, picking on people because of there grammatical errors. I do'nt think thats nice, and their going to all hate you.


(Seriously, it's a pet peeve of mine too).

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The "7800 it is computer"? WTF?


Are you talking about the keyboard attachment?


nitpicking grammar just to be an asshole.


you must have a full, rich life.


The grammar nit pick might even be less annoying if he actually contributed something

to the thread along side it.

Edited by Gorf
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I did some quick edits this am, I see a lot of glaring omissions and errors, I'll try to work on it when I can, been doing a little too much lately, need to take a bit of a step back and relax...







I don't know about you but I use Wikipedia a lot, maybe a lot more than I like to admit. You see over the years I have been here I learned a lot more about the 7800 than I ever knew. So after seeing the post on it's computer once again, i decided to see what Wikipedia had and it isn't much. See what I mean





For one it doesn't even mention the computer, and I am very sure than unreleased game list is far from complete. Could someone here who knows more about this update it?

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  • 3 weeks later...
The "7800 it is computer"? WTF?


Are you talking about the keyboard attachment?

Your evil Zylonbane. Its obvious your a jerk, picking on people because of there grammatical errors. I do'nt think thats nice, and their going to all hate you.


(Seriously, it's a pet peeve of mine too).



That post makes my eyes bleed. ;)


"You're evil Zylonbane. It's obvious you're a jerk, picking on people because of their grammatical errors. I don't think that's nice, and they're going to all hate you.

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That post makes my eyes bleed. ;)


"You're evil Zylonbane. It's obvious you're a jerk, picking on people because of their grammatical errors. I don't think that's nice, and they're going to all hate you.

You fail sarcasm.


-t-h-a-t-'-s- -w-h-a-t- -t-h-e- -s-m-i-l-y- -i-s- -f-o-r-

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That post makes my eyes bleed. ;)


"You're evil Zylonbane. It's obvious you're a jerk, picking on people because of their grammatical errors. I don't think that's nice, and they're going to all hate you.

You fail sarcasm.

Whether he got it or not (I think he probably did), I'm glad it is now understood. In a world where I find myself making that many mistakes in grammar I will fall on my sword.


Side note: Most annoying error: Do'nt, wo'nt, ca'nt. What do these people think the apostrophe is for? Decoration?

Edited by Atarifever
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Would like to see the final article once Curt is done with it. (dont give a rip about grammar, either BTW)


lol @ CPUWIZ! :lol:


I wonder if the homebrew community will venture into larger games for the 7800? I've seen pics and a few tidbits about the 512K Pokey board, but I don't know much about it.

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