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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - Handling Death


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If you believe what you see with your eyes is all there is, then death is a good thing. The person is gone forever. No more pain. No more daily hassles and frustrations.


If you believe there is more to us than what you can experience with your very limited 5 senses and you understand that the organic computers we call bodies are powered by something that exists before and after death, then death is still a good thing. Again, the pain of this world is gone. The dead are in a better place.


I think grief is selfish. Death should be a time to celebrate. We should be allowed to feel sad for the loss since the brain hates change and needs time to rewire itself, but if we think about death in a more positive way instead of the usual way most of us have been taught, we'll be able to handle it better and our brains will not become a self-indulgent stagnant pool of sorrow that we immerse ourselves in because it "hurts so good."



Random Terrain




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