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atari2600land's Blog - A diary in comic book form


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I've just been looking through over almost 15 years worth of my comic book i make just to amuse myself (right now, i'm working on issue #431). Started at age 12, fifteen years later i am 26 years old and still working on it. Sometimes filled with current events of the day and my views on them, it's sort of a diary in comic book form. Most others are filled with two guys named Bill & George who do stuff, much like in the vein of Ren and Stimpy, or Frank & Ernest. They can go anywhere and do anything. Since I get ideas as i write, i never know the details of the main idea for the storyline until i write them. And, i'm in a rush to get them onto paper before i forget them. Due to this, you might call my handwriting illegible. I think my two favorite comics I've ever done is the alliterative "Bird Blood" and this piece of stuff called "Young Salamanders In Love.", which I drew about 8 years ago. I've been scanning my thousands of pages of comics for the best of the best short stuff (one page or less) which will be featured in my 15th anniversary issue which is going to be finished on october 1. Anyway, I was bored, and you probably don't care about what i do when i'm not on the internet, but i just thought i'd share anyway.



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