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How much would you pay for an Eli's Ladder cartridge?

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I can't believe how much one sold for on eBay this week.



I'm sure the fact that the words "Atari 2600" were nowhere to be found in the auction title or description had a lot to do with that. :!:

Edited by PingvinBlueJeans
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would of had


You are driving me nuts with this, it's "would have" not "would of". Every time I read that, it makes my brain hurt.


The seller would of had a lots more money have I bid CPUWIZ.


Ahhhhhhhhhhh, there is a comma missing too. :x

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would of had


You are driving me nuts with this, it's "would have" not "would of". Every time I read that, it makes my brain hurt.

Can you point me to a link that says that this is the case. I typed in bad grammar and "would of had" and came up with nothing. In fact, it seems extremely common place in our language. So I would really appreciate some citation on this one. You are the first one to actually point this out.

Edited by homerwannabee
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Can you point me to a link that says that this is the case. I typed in bad grammar and "would of had" and came up with nothing.

Hear R the first 2 places I go 4 grammer info:





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It was also only in the Vintage Games subcategory of Video Games -> Games.


I really don't get the "would of" thing... yes, "would've" and "would of" sound the same. But isn't it really obvious that "would of" makes no sense? Of is a preposition, why would you think it would go in a place for a verb? You wouldn't say "I of gone to the store today", would you? Then why would you say "I would of gone to the store today if I had time"? [This isn't meant as a personal complaint, just an observation that people do this all the time and I really don't understand how that could seem right.]

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It was also only in the Vintage Games subcategory of Video Games -> Games.


I really don't get the "would of" thing... yes, "would've" and "would of" sound the same. But isn't it really obvious that "would of" makes no sense? Of is a preposition, why would you think it would go in a place for a verb? You wouldn't say "I of gone to the store today", would you? Then why would you say "I would of gone to the store today if I had time"? [This isn't meant as a personal complaint, just an observation that people do this all the time and I really don't understand how that could seem right.]

Ya'll just ain't right! :D

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