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I Can't Think of a Catchy Title - Happy St. Patrick's Day!


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I've never been a big fan of this holiday. It's probably because I'm not Irish, either way, I've always been quite lost when March 17th rolls around every year. To me, this day is nothing more than my best friend's birthday (can you guess what his parents named him?). I live in central Massachusetts about an hour away from Boston so a lot the "festivities" are lost to me. Granted, the city of Worcester (pronounced wus-tur) has their annual parade every year, but I never go.


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the drinking aspect of this holiday. I'm always happy to engage in a good drink...but sadly, St. Patrick's Day always seems to fall right in the middle of the week, the worst time to go into work with a hangover.


No...I guess I may just never "get" the whole reason behind this holiday. Even so, I still enjoy wearing green...though I don't have any on today...and I may get myself a nice six pack of Guinness when I get out of work tonight. I wish you all a happy St. Patty's Day! And may the luck of the Irish be with you.





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