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Does this deserve a neg?


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I have been tossing this back and forth the last couple days. It's not a lot of money but it kinda burns me. Here is what I sent to the buyer:



I am very unhappy with this purchase. It should have been noted the cart had no end label. I now noticed the picture was taken in a way that a buyer could not tell. I would not have bid on it let alone spend over $15 had I known it had no end label.


I don't mind paying $5.50 for shipping when it only cost $2.50 as long as it is shipped properly. Carts should be in a box, not an envelope and it was post-marked 6 days after I had paid.




This was the response:



i don't collect or keep these cart so the end label means nothing to me , that would be your own fault for not asking the question of the end sticker. i have hundreds of these games in plastic totes and have sold hundreds of these already. you are the first person that ever said anything about an end sticker or the bubble envelope i put then in . sorry for your disappointment .



Seemed kinda rude to me. I got three other games too because nobody else bid, I like to try and maximize on shiping even though I already had the other three and figured I might trade them some day.


He has 23 ratings and his levels are just barely above 4, only 2 other sales in the last 90 days and none for games, so he obviously didn't sell 'hundreds' on ebay. If I left 4 negs, low stars for him with the new system would that suspend his account? That seems kind of extreme to me, I don't want to hurt the guy. I am kinda upset though.


The other games added up to less then $3 and were all R4 and in pretty good shape, so that was a good deal. The point is I didn't even want the other three but the R6 I didn't have doesn't have an end label and I display my carts with end label showing so it is just a black piece of plastic now.


Should I just let this go?

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I was thinking that but the other three did also suffer from bad shipping. Don't get me wrong, I have never left a neg before but honestly in 400+ transactions luckily I have never had a problem, I have never even complained before. I realize $15 isn't bad but I spent that thinking I was adding to my collection, not putting a 'placeholder' in my collection. I'm thinking of just letting it pass but then again I don't want anyone else to buy from a person who just does not care.




Honestly though, I am the first person to ever complain about no end label or shipping in an envelope? That right away should tell you this person has no experience selling games.

Edited by HFK
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I was thinking that but the other three did also suffer from bad shipping.

That's why I suggested the option of three neutrals along with the neg (as opposed to going all out with four negs). Personally, I don't see a problem with shipping loose cartridges in bubble envelopes. Although if there were several carts just rattling around in a single envelope with no padding...yeah, that's an issue.

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While it might be "your fault for not asking" if the item was listed in good condition then that is false since the end label was missing. My advice would be if the other 3 items were ok leave neutral/positive feedback and just when you do the star things show your displeasure with that aspect of the transaction and/or report them to feepay for lying about shipping method. Just make sure you photo how it was received. Even if they don't do anything this time others may have a similar prob with them and report it as well.

You could try asking him directly for your money back but expect to pay shipping most likely and if he outright says no or if it says in the auction no refund then you could file a not as described report if the condition was worse then stated. I would at least try that before a neg so that if he fights it you can at least say you tried to resolve it first.


Only my limited 1/2 of .01 though. Good luck.

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Well, a little known rule on eBay prevents people from feedback flooding. More than two negatives at the same time is considered a campaign to harass (or did at one time) and the seller can actually ask eBay to remove several if not all due to that reason. I would leave one neg, one neutral, and one positive. His net score does not change, but his star ratings will. He is being an ass, and should no matter what get one neg for the infraction of the label. He should have offered you to return it for refund, or offer a discount. An appology will stop me from negging someone like this, but when they are brash and don't offer even a real appology, they need a boot in the butt.



Edited by the.golden.ax
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His attitude in the reply is definitely worthy of a neg. It *could* be true he really didn't know about the end label, but instead of being polite and offering an apology he told you to F! off. Hell just for waiting 6 days and marking the shipping up like that deserves a neg.

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