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PLUTOS & SIRIUS on Auction (made by CPUWiz)


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Bid high, bid often. I need some spending money for the NWGC 2009 this weekend. Help a brother out.


PLUTOS 99¢ Starting bid, no reserve, true auction... 24 hours!

SIRIUS Fixed Price listing, make me an offer. Up Again, sorry its not a 99 cent no reserve this time. I really need the funds. The black one is up on chuck.




Edited by the.golden.ax
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Put it on Chase The Chuckwagon - cheaper and you shouldn't have to worry.


eBay killed Sirius, they said it was a copywrite violation! Hey Shawn, and CPU help me out here. Didn't Curt V. Get permission from Kevin Franklin to reproduce this? eBay is smoking crack... I ALWAYS get in trouble when I list homebrew, repro stuff. MAN!



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Nothing wrong with AA people, or having them participate and win. This was an eBay specific experiment, both CPU and I wanted to see what the eBay people would do with these. If they didn't latch onto it and run with it, then a AA member would have gotten a deal. It really spoils the test to see what would have happened, to have eBay rip it down. That's all. There will be a chuck listing, don't worry :)



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Ahh, not surprised then and it explains a lot. :D Just busting your chops. ;)

Hopefully one of them is still up. I would however be curious to see what the difference in final price would be between the same game listed on Ebay and on CTCW concurrently with the same end time. Also if it sells for the same amount what the difference is in the sellers total amount after fees were taken out. LOL, Nothing wrong with social experiments. :cool:


Nothing wrong with AA people, or having them participate and win. This was an eBay specific experiment, both CPU and I wanted to see what the eBay people would do with these. If they didn't latch onto it and run with it, then a AA member would have gotten a deal. It really spoils the test to see what would have happened, to have eBay rip it down. That's all. There will be a chuck listing, don't worry :)



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eBay killed Sirius, they said it was a copywrite violation! Hey Shawn, and CPU help me out here. Didn't Curt V. Get permission from Kevin Franklin to reproduce this? eBay is smoking crack... I ALWAYS get in trouble when I list homebrew, repro stuff. MAN!





Someone was a tattle tail to ebay. It's the only way it can get pulled. I bet it was just some little prick that has huge cock envy.

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I'm thinking of relisting with this at the top of the page:

"ATTENTION eBay. TyneSoft, the developer of this game is long since defunct. It went out of business in 1990 and did not sell its intellectual assets (bankrupt). The programmer of this software Kevin Franklin, has given permission for use of his program. This listing is not for a bootleg, and is NOT an infringement of any copywrite. "


Before I post this however, I want a diffinative answer in one of the Plutos Sirius threads showing that Kevin Franklin did authorize the use of his program, so I can show eBay if they ask or give a problem again. As far as I am aware, Kevin Franklin is the only person who should be able to state that we can't use his work.



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