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I Can't Think of a Catchy Title - My grandmother is sick...


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Earlier this week my grandmother (on my mother's side of the family) went to the hospital for a colonoscopy. Nothing spectacular right? Well...during the exam the doctors located a growth in her intestines and they sent her to surgery immediately to remove it. After running some tests, it turns out it was cancerous rather than benign. This all happened on Monday.


I've yet to have a chance to see my grandmother, but I hear she's feeling very weak. I'm not sure if she's been able to eat anything since before the colonoscopy (since you need to cleanse your system before the procedure), as of Wednesday she still hadn't eaten any solid foods. The other reason as well, is because of the way the intestine is healing, if she were to eat solids it could rupture the sutures that are holding everything together before the intestine has healed fully. I'm probably going to go visit her this weekend.


This isn't the first bit of cancer to hit my family. My father had skin cancer about a year or so ago. My uncle had testicular cancer and my grandfather had cancer as well, and now has diabetes. So not only am I worried for my grandmother, I'm worried about my future health, as well as my sisters. I know there isn't much that can be done...but it's just scary to think that cancer is prevelant in the last two generations of my family....


Anyways...hopefully my grandmother is making a good recovery. Here's to her health! :)



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