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atari2600land's Blog - Going to Saturn


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My local Game Crazy has been around longer than the national Game Crazy chain. See, I'd bet people get confused if I say I went to Game Crazy in this blog, so I just say I went to the used game store. Well, I went to Game Crazy today and got some Sega Saturn games. I decided since I got them I'm going to get back into the Saturn, which means finding it, then plugging it in, and then making sure it works, then making sure the games work. Well, anyway, the games I got were NBA Jam TE (hopefully there's an always on fire code for it), Solar Eclipse and Robotica (for which I hope there's a god mode for.) I still don't know why Sega and Sony went with stupid CDs which can get scratched. I think Nintendo did the right thing by sticking with cartridges for at least one more generation. I'd be so upset if my Mario Kart 64 disc was scratched (which it probably would have been by now if Nintendo had CDs back then.) There's one Saturn game I have which is kind of scratched (Gex), so I think I'll try to see if i can clean it up a little and I hope to restart my Saturn site and hopefully put up some more reviews while I'm at it.



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