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I hate stupid people!


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So I sold an NES toploader on ebay, mint in box WORKS PERFECT with some games controllers etc etc for about $140 total. The person gets it and claims it's not working blah blah. I tell them it could be their tv or a whole host of other things. Instead of responding to me, they go ahead and file a Paypal claim. This pissed me off so much I escalated the claim myself! In the end, stupid ass Paypal took their word over mine...


So OF COURSE, the jackass ebay customer sends back the top loader and everything in a box FULL of shredded paper. And OF COURSE, the system WORKS PERFECTLY!!! AGHHH... So my Paypal account was negative balance for awhile because of this, a real pain in the ass. And the whole thing was because of this stupid ass person either lying about the system not working, or they are so dumb that they couldn't set it up right or whatever! Just pisses me off...


This is the 2nd bogus Paypal claim filed against me as an ebay seller in only a couple months. Whats the deal with the sudden activity in Paypal claims?! Why do jackass ebay buyers have power over sellers!? Are ebay and paypal just that stupid as to risk losing a bunch of sellers? I will still use ebay though as for the most part, it is the best place on the net to sell things quickly for a fair price.

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So I sold an NES toploader on ebay, mint in box WORKS PERFECT with some games controllers etc etc for about $140 total. The person gets it and claims it's not working blah blah. I tell them it could be their tv or a whole host of other things. Instead of responding to me, they go ahead and file a Paypal claim. This pissed me off so much I escalated the claim myself! In the end, stupid ass Paypal took their word over mine...


So OF COURSE, the jackass ebay customer sends back the top loader and everything in a box FULL of shredded paper. And OF COURSE, the system WORKS PERFECTLY!!! AGHHH... So my Paypal account was negative balance for awhile because of this, a real pain in the ass. And the whole thing was because of this stupid ass person either lying about the system not working, or they are so dumb that they couldn't set it up right or whatever! Just pisses me off...


This is the 2nd bogus Paypal claim filed against me as an ebay seller in only a couple months. Whats the deal with the sudden activity in Paypal claims?! Why do jackass ebay buyers have power over sellers!? Are ebay and paypal just that stupid as to risk losing a bunch of sellers? I will still use ebay though as for the most part, it is the best place on the net to sell things quickly for a fair price.



Its not just recently, you have just been lucky in the past i have dealt with plenty of pricks!!!

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Honestly I think it's because of the economy. The scam artists are coming out of the woodwork! I think this person thought they could get a full refund AND keep the system and games etc... It's either that or they get buyer's remorse. For instance I was surpised the top loader sold for so much, but hey! They bid on it! Instead of being honest about it though, they pull this type of shit...

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Honestly I think it's because of the economy. The scam artists are coming out of the woodwork! I think this person thought they could get a full refund AND keep the system and games etc... It's either that or they get buyer's remorse. For instance I was surpised the top loader sold for so much, but hey! They bid on it! Instead of being honest about it though, they pull this type of shit...


Hey, we'll take the listing on Dawdle. (Click the big red "List Yours" button to get started): http://www.dawdle.com/product.php/nes-2-co...496610104-8e296


We're slowly building up hardware for NES: http://www.dawdle.com/search.php/1/1/Platf...m/Video_Games=0 , so this would be nice to have.


Lastly, refunds, if you want to issue one, are easy to issue yourself from our MyDawdle section and there's no public negative feedback associated with it. (Dawdle only dings people for multiple refunds.)

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I'm having a similar problem but as a buyer for a Tremacast I just purchased on Sleezbay. All I can say is it doesn't matter which way it goes. Sellers are ripping people just as bad as buyers right now. I am not saying anything about you at all, so please don't think that. Man, I hope I don't lose out on that Black SE. It would make a nice addition to my original Treamcast. :D

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Oh, I'm sure that is the case. It just irks me that somehow ebay and paypal think the buyer deservers the upper hand... A lot of buyers are dumb jackasses who hardly know how to use a computer! I mean hell, I've made ebay and paypal probably THOUSANDS of dollars over the years in sales alone! Not counting everything i've bought on ebay... I'd like to think I'd get a little credit for that from them... I HAD stellar 100% feedback until this nitwit before this latest fiasco left me a negative that was totally uncalled for.


In that case, I sold a Jaguar and some games and clearly stated I had problems getting it working right. Of course, the retard writes me a message after he gets it.. something like "uhh, the system, it doesnt work right..." NAW REALLY!! Maybe, you should read the description before you bid a-hole LOL.. That's what I'm thinking. It really sucks cus I left the guy a positive right after he paid. Then the jerk negs me because he's so stupid that he bids on things before he reads the description.. BLAH!


I've been hearing about Dawdle, maybe I'll check it out. I haven't listed anything on CTCW either cus it seems like there's hardly any traffic at that place. Even with all the pains associated with ebay, on average, its still a good place to do business. I guess I've just had really bad luck in the last couple months with retarded buyers...

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I would assume as you did that they probably were feeling bad about spending perhaps. Then again, there are some REALLY stupid people out there. This reminds me of the time, years ago, when I sold off a huge Atari 2600 lot. It was a personal set that I decided to get rid of (and then regretted only about two years ago). At any rate, everything worked perfectly. I get this negative with no initial email and he tells me when I contact him that it doesn't work. I ask him what he's doing, how he hooked it up and so forth. Then I get the real kicker, he said something like 'to be honest, one of the things that really upset me were the graphics in Burger Time, they weren't very good.' WHAT?! Are you serious? Seriously, that's why he gave me the negative. I've always made sure I was explicit in listings too, but you still get the occasional moron who just bids before reading and then feels like a total chode afterwards.

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Ya, in a way I guess I feel sorry for people THAT stupid. It must be rough going through life knowing the average elementary school kid is more intelligent than themself LOL... Actually, they probably wouldn't realize that because they are so stupid lol...

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I cussed him out after he accused me of being a dishonest seller. The guy was a real dumb asshole. Like I said, he didn't read the description of the auction because he sent me a message after he received the system saying he couldn't get it to work right. I plain-as-day layed out in my ebay auction the exact problems with the system and that it did not work properly. I even started the auction at $0.01 with FREE shipping for crying out loud! The system did work, he was just to stupid to figure it out even though I sent him long and easy to understand instructions on how to do so.


Well he decided to be a jackass and file a Paypal claim against me citing "product not as described" bullshit... I sent him a message asking why he filed a claim without giving me a chance to work something out, and he just goes off about how I'm a dishonest person/ ebay seller blah blah... At the time I had well over 100 positive feedbacks as a seller, with an overall feedback of 100% That's when I cussed him out and he deserved it.. calling me dishonest when I am most definitely NOT! :) It felt great to go off on the guy and his stupid ass wife. They tried to tag team me. So I really don't care that they left me a negative. Idiots like that deserve to put down.

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You can actually maybe get that negative removed. It depends how he worded it exactly. I've had two stupid feedbacks removed in cases like this. The one was easy because the guy left me a negative right after he won calling me a 'greedy hog' for selling an MOC Bakatak for $100 to him. They removed it pretty quickly. The other was similar to yours, a case of misreading or rather NOT reading the auction. If he said something like 'doesn't work' in his negative, you can just show them your listing and they might remove it for you.

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Honestly I don't even feel like dealing with it... My feedback is still 98.8% It's good enough for me. I'm so tired of dealing with ebay and paypal right now! Thankfully I'm back to work so I don't have to sell anything probably until next winter! :)

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