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atari2600land's Blog - Cabin Fever


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My 8-year-old niece is spending the night here so I've been keeping myself in my room most of the time because I don't want to watch the Disney Channel and any of her stupid movies. So, in yesterday's blog, I mentioned me getting back into the Saturn, and I did just that. I played a few games for it and discovered that most of them are HARD. The easiest one I've played so far is Sonic 3D Blast. I'm proud of myself because I beat the first level (I suck at video games). Among the games I've played are: NBA Jam TE, Bug!, Duke Nukem, Sonic 3D Blast. Those I haven't got to yet are: Arcade Hits: Atari, Hyper 3D Pinball, and Rayman. All 18 of my Saturn games work good to the best of my knowledge, and Gex is running good (last time I ran it, the intro was scratchy but now it's ok.) I just want my niece and mom to go to sleep so i can have the living room back in an hour so i can watch the 10 o'clock news. I take Flomax, so I have to eat a meal and then remember to take it 30 minutes afterwards. Some of the time, I eat and then forget. I think I'm gaining a little weight because of that. Stupid Flomax. I bet I'm the youngest person in the whole world taking it (I'm 26.)



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