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atari2600land's Blog - As the World Spins


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Since my 8-year-old niece spent the night here last night, this morning I awoke to find that my mom went to take her back to my sister's house. I went to the bathroom and found some Barbie dolls laying in the bathtub. I spent a few minutes playing with them, putting them in ridiculous, impossible poses, and, (of course), made two Barbies make out. Then, a light bulb came on in my head. Why not film a soap opera with them? So, I took out my camcorder and filmed a few minutes worth of a pilot of a soap opera called "As the World Spins." In it, Cindy comes home (nude) from her job as a nude dancer only to find her husband making out with her brother. From that, I'm spinning a story together that involves Cindy trying to win back her husband only to spite her brother because her brother is a gay drug dealing member of the Mafia who killed their mother because she farted every time he said the word "flobbenjort." And that's just the first week's worth of material! I'm debating whether to put this on YouTube or not. I was reading through the rules and am wondering whether YouTube will find this offensive (because there's two naked Ken dolls laying on top of each other.) I don't want to be banned from YouTube because I have a whole bunch of stuff laying around on old VHS tapes that I'm eventually going to go through and post on there.

Will Chris post his "offensive" video on YouTube? Will he supress his irresistable urge to film himself playing with Barbie dolls? Will Cindy win back her husband? We'll find out as the world spins...



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