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Draconland - Lemming 2600


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Last year I figure how far lemmings could be in Atari 2600.

Obviously you can't create hundreds of characters per row, the limit of VCS is two.

Then I have the idea to create only one lemming and interesting, its looks cool for me.


Basically you have to control the main character around the maze, using limited number of tools to find the exit door.

If you use a tool in wrong place, its over, you need restart the level.

The lemming just walk. One very usefull tool on Lemmings is the stop. Then the lemming turn into a barrier and the others cannot go to danger areas, using 1 lemming only I can't use this tool, but I can replace to "change direction" tool.


With 1 lemming the game is really do able. Figure the 6 digit score changed to looks like a tool box. The arrow pointer can be done by missile, keeping free the other player to be used as ladder or bombs. You can dig the playfield for create holes. I thing BatariBasic can handle this game very well due playfield style.


Its just an idea, I have others projects before try something for this side.


Follow one dirty mockup I did last year:


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