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EricBall's Tech Projects - Back to the beginning


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After a long hiatus, I'm tackling my Propeller video driver. I think I figured out why my previous attempts didn't work. First, there were some technical issues with synchronization of the cogs which I now think I understand. (Plus Chip, the head honcho, has given the step-by-step instructions on what needs to be done.) But the bigger problem is I tried to do everything at once. I was trying to achieve too many new ideas at the same time. So when it didn't work, I didn't have


So this time I'm starting with producing video using a single cog. I've stripped down my old driver, removing as much complexity as possible, i.e. static data in the lineRAM, static startup, etc. Just the minimum required to feed the video driver.


And it works . . . sorta. The screen is stable on my TV, but there's no color - just a wierd dot pattern. Hrmm.... maybe my frequency calculations are off - that would explain it. Nope, or at least it doesn't seem wrong. So I changed the static data to just product vertical lines. And it produces vertical lines, but the wrong number. Either my TV has some wicked overscan, or I've messed up some calculations somewhere.





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