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atari2600land's Blog - The Occult


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Since i was a kid, i have been fascinated with the idea of the occult. I have kind of been the buck the establishment type of person, so naturally the occult has been a facet of my life for quite some time now. I think the morals and ideas and code of conduct and the commandments of Christianity are stupid. (There I go again, calling things stupid. ;)) So I built a little tribute to Satan on the internet for the whole world to see. :evil: My start down the "left hand path" was purchasing a copy of The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. How disappointing to actually discover that he didn't practice Satanism in the sense that he didn't worship Satan. I do believe there are some good ideas in this book, but some of his ideas are way wrong (like the nonexistance of gods). We have to be here for a reason, but what is the reason? The answer, IMO is since we didn't make ourselves or any other living things that something had to make us. I don't approve of the term "intelligent design" because once you think about it, our design as well as animals' and plants' isn't really all that intelligent. Take for instance, the way we dispose of waste. Pooping and peeing. What a horrible thing. Why not just make our bodies turn all our things we eat and drink into gas and then all our waste would be invisible nonsmelly gas, this way we wouldn't have to go to the bathroom while we're trying to go to sleep. Man I wish i could have made humans instead. If it's true that god made humans in his image, then god must be really ugly. ;)





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