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MayDay Today - A Little Something Something


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A little over a year ago, I started frequenting the website instructables.com. Since that time, I've created a few "ibles" as they refer to them, and recently decided to add an Atari twist to my latest project. Two days after I began my latest and greatest instructable on "How to Make Your Own Atari Game" one of the other members there chronicled an Atari lamp which already introduced our two communities to one another. It was featured on instructables (meaning it spent a couple of days on their index page), and it also made the headlines here at Atari Age. You can find the Giant Atari Joystick Lamp here.


So you ask, "What exactly is my instructable about?" Well, it's pretty simple really. The title is 'How to Make Your Own Atari Game', which is pretty self-explanatory. More than actually trying to explain the coding side of things (which I'm not really capable of), it really just a detailed list of resources available for someone interested in doing so. The vast majority of these resources point back to this website. For example, I linked to the Sorted Table of Contents which is the collection of Andrew Davie's tutorials. There are also several resources referenced that are outside of this site.


In closing, I just want to say I know my reputation here may be a little shaky given the whole CiE game fiasco, and I hope this doesn't further my perceived separation from this community. Since I haven't made a game of my own, I considered that someone may think I'm taking ideas away from them by posting a set of instructions elsewhere. I think the benefits to this community are more important, and hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes. My hope is that by posting my instructable there it will bring in a fresh wave of nostalgic and devoted fans like myself to this website (and others like it). While you may not see any new games as a result of my posting, maybe it will inspire more Atari-related projects like the joystick lamp. Thoughts are welcome, and while my instructable is nearly complete, I haven't published it yet. I will gladly post a link to it when it's done in a few days.



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