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Ransom's Random Posts - Agonizing over what to keep


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Next year, I plan to buy a Colecovision and perhaps a dozen or so games. There are also a couple of dozen games I'd like to buy for the rest of my consoles next year.


But my game closet is nearly out of room. Yes, the game closet I just reorganized this year, adding 16' of new shelving to it!


The easy thing to do would be to get rid of the Lynx and games. I find it uncomfortable to play. And I have all the boxes, so I could just store it all in the basement for some other time. But it feels wrong to store away an entire system and all its games. If I'm going to do that, then should I even bother keeping it?


Another option would be to go through my entire game collection for all systems and pull out the ones that just don't belong. I did that with a few earlier this year, getting rid of titles like Video Checkers and Video Chess. I'm never going to play those games.


There are quite a few other games that I have no real use for. Star Raiders for the 2600, Pac-Man for the 5200, and even Missile Command for the Atari 8-bit are superceded by versions for other systems. I'll probably never play them again. I could probably come up with another 10 or 20 games that I'll never play for one reason or another.


But, again, I really hate getting rid of anything. What I'll probably end up doing is going through the games with my wife and then getting rid of the ones that are simply no fun at all to us, like Star Raiders for the 2600.


I'd also like to undo some mistakes I made last year, buying a few specific games for the wrong platform. I have no idea why I bought Pitfall for the Intellivison, when I don't have it for the VCS. And I will probably get rid of the Coleco brand games for the Intellivison once I have a Colecovision.


Still, I'll probably agonize over this for the next eight months. It's so painful, once you have a game, to get rid of it.




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