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Menavision Air Raid Posting On Ebay


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I would have never even posted the Auction, if it was hidden, but even Stevie Wonder could have spotted that auction. So the Deep pockets were going to be there, no matter what. I didn't contact the Seller, but I am sure Quite a few people Did for side deals. Like I said before. I could care less of Side deals of putting up Buy it nows, but someone just Screwing around and lieing about who they are. Isn't cool. The seller knows what they have and looks like, they are going to give a fair shake, at letting the Highest bid win. Who knows, maybe they can find that manual. :)

The deep pockets might have shown up, but not like they are now. Halfway through the original 7-day auction the lot was just over $50. After 24 hours it exceeds $1000. While I fully expected the closing price to breach $1k on the original auction, ensuring a relatively fair price for the cart to a seller who was unaware of what it was, I am already out of the running simply because of one giant walking taint hailing from these forums.


Why do I believe such a person deserves scorn heaped upon them? They didn't post the auction here to help other collectors. Sure, it would have resulted in a large price jump, but posting it here instead of having the auction relisted would have been honest to the spirit of this place and respected the other collectors here. They are trash, pure and simple.


Second, the seller is not an honest broker. In the first two sentences explaining why the auction was relisted, the seller claims to have not ended the auction early then explain how they ended the auction early to relist it. And, which I find the funniest, the seller claims not to care about the money. Of course not, you idiot. You relisted it for all of our benefit.


Oh, the bullshit people throw out and expect you to not notice...


And I dare the seller to identify the AA member... err, "editor".

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Why do I believe such a person deserves scorn heaped upon them? They didn't post the auction here to help other collectors. Sure, it would have resulted in a large price jump, but posting it here instead of having the auction relisted would have been honest to the spirit of this place and respected the other collectors here. They are trash, pure and simple.


Second, the seller is not an honest broker. In the first two sentences explaining why the auction was relisted, the seller claims to have not ended the auction early then explain how they ended the auction early to relist it. And, which I find the funniest, the seller claims not to care about the money. Of course not, you idiot. You relisted it for all of our benefit.



The chances that it wouldn't have gotten posted here at some point seem very slim. And the chances that without someone alerting the seller that he would have gotten what appeared to be a great side deal from someone and taken it seem high. So I can't really see exactly how you think you've been ripped off here -- it seems likely that you wouldn't have gotten a shot at it if no one told him. And I don't see this thing about why it's relisted and then that it isn't... where is that?

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The chances that it wouldn't have gotten posted here at some point seem very slim. And the chances that without someone alerting the seller that he would have gotten what appeared to be a great side deal from someone and taken it seem high. So I can't really see exactly how you think you've been ripped off here -- it seems likely that you wouldn't have gotten a shot at it if no one told him. And I don't see this thing about why it's relisted and then that it isn't... where is that?

Actually, most times auctions like this do not get listed until after they close - and I usually win those auctions. Recent examples include Music Machine, 4 US Games protos with a M*A*S*H* dev cart and Bermuda Triangle proto... and the exact same style wins landed me the Pac Man loaner cart, Frankenstein's Monster proto w/ manual, Atlantis II. Not one of these auctions were listed here before closing. And you seem to think I wouldn't have gotten a shot at it? Based on what logic?


Usually the others who find auctions like this one are all too interested in trying to snag a steal that they don't want to clue in other people and post it in frustration afterwards once they lose. Find an example of another "gem in the rough" auction that was found & announced here before it closed... go ahead and find one, I'll wait here. And while you're looking, let me know where the term "ripped off" came from, since I don't recall ever typing any such thing.


But if you happen to come across a good reason why the excrement that contacted the seller would do such, that would be great as well. I'd love to hear why it was a good reason and why it wouldn't simply be the act of a fully-grown worthless load their mother should have swallowed.


I accidentally deleted out the detail that mentions the eBay exchange I had with the seller after they took down the original auction and relisted it. I kept them to remind me of how not to act as a seller.

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Wow, dude, you need to chill a little.


What I was trying to say is that even if no one listed it here (which seems unlikely -- yes, people keep other decently big auctions under their hats, but this is an Air Raid), people tend to side-deal the seller out of things like this if no one alerts them to what they have, removing the chance for you to win it in a fair auction. I have no proof that either of those things would have happened, of course, but they both seem like fairly likely outcomes.


And you may not have used the words "ripped off", but that's your implication, that you have been personally wronged somehow by this, when there's no reason that something that's completely public information should be your private deal.

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Wow, dude, you need to chill a little.


What I was trying to say is that even if no one listed it here (which seems unlikely -- yes, people keep other decently big auctions under their hats, but this is an Air Raid), people tend to side-deal the seller out of things like this if no one alerts them to what they have, removing the chance for you to win it in a fair auction. I have no proof that either of those things would have happened, of course, but they both seem like fairly likely outcomes.


And you may not have used the words "ripped off", but that's your implication, that you have been personally wronged somehow by this, when there's no reason that something that's completely public information should be your private deal.

This isn't the first time I've had auctions screwed with my members of this community - perhaps not an "editor of Atari Age" as it was this time - and the antics are long past annoying. The people who engage in this activity - as well as the auction-ending side deal pricks - never stand behind their actions and always hide in the shadows - weak actions by weak people. This auction simply was the latest and largest example of a persistent problem. Again you push the angle that I felt entitled to winning the auction - instead of "ripped off" now its "private deal." You clearly have your own agenda assigned to my actions that clearly I can't change, so I won't bother.


I'm a reseller but not by choice. It'll be obvious to everyone why I have to resell in another month, but I'm not getting into that now. I'm a collector and I collect from the top-down. My only regret so far is selling the Xante game... the wife wanted a vacation and that was the currency. Soon, I'll be paying for everything with Atari games... and in a manner, you could too.

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This isn't the first time I've had auctions screwed with my members of this community - perhaps not an "editor of Atari Age" as it was this time - and the antics are long past annoying.


What does that mean? Are you inferring that Albert screwed with this auction? If so, you've got bigger problems.

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This isn't the first time I've had auctions screwed with my members of this community - perhaps not an "editor of Atari Age" as it was this time - and the antics are long past annoying.

For the record, there is only one "Editor of AtariAge" and that would be me. And until someone pointed me at this thread a few minutes ago, I had no idea an Air Raid was up on eBay, much less that I'm getting accused of somehow screwing with the auction. Perhaps a moderator contacted the seller, I don't know.


Frankly, if someone does contact a seller to attempt a side deal, so what? That's the nature of eBay, and eBay even added a "Make an Offer" feature to make this more official (and of course so they can get a cut of the sale). To get all pissed off about it seems pretty childish to me, especially over thirty year old video games.


Oh, and that reminds me, enough of the name calling. You're pissed off. We get it.



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This isn't the first time I've had auctions screwed with my members of this community - perhaps not an "editor of Atari Age" as it was this time - and the antics are long past annoying.


What does that mean? Are you inferring that Albert screwed with this auction? If so, you've got bigger problems.

That was what the seller was told - or claims was told - by the unnamed person who contacted them. I'm mocking the f*cktard masquerading as an "editor of Atari Age."


And if I was dumb enough to believe the troglodyte who contacted the seller, I would be man enough to call out Albert by name instead of in some squishy con-committal quotes. Albert gets nothing but the highest levels of respect from me, and he knows this.


EDIT: Obviously Albert's above post was put up as I was responding with this one and the message has been received.

Edited by zeitshabba
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That was what the seller was told - or claims was told - by the unnamed person who contacted them. I'm mocking the f*cktard masquerading as an "editor of Atari Age."


And if I was dumb enough to believe the troglodyte who contacted the seller, I would be man enough to call out Albert by name instead of in some squishy con-committal quotes. Albert gets nothing but the highest levels of respect from me, and he knows this.


EDIT: Obviously Albert's above post was put up as I was responding with this one and the message has been received.

I'd like to know who contacted the seller claiming to be the "editor of Atari Age".



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This isn't the first time I've had auctions screwed with my members of this community - perhaps not an "editor of Atari Age" as it was this time - and the antics are long past annoying.


What does that mean? Are you inferring that Albert screwed with this auction? If so, you've got bigger problems.

That was what the seller was told - or claims was told - by the unnamed person who contacted them. I'm mocking the f*cktard masquarading as an "editor of Atari Age."


And if I was dumb enough to believe the troglodyte who contacted the seller, I would be man enough to call out Albert by name instead of in some squishy con-committal quotes. Albert gets nothing but the highest levels of respect from me, and he knows this.


Very strange, obviously someone who wants to mess with Al. I didn't see the Air Raid until someone posted the link here and I am not interested in it (most people know that), I can't think of any other moderator who would be either, most of them aren't big time collectors. :?


If it was a boxed XONOX game I am missing, it would be another story. :twisted:

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...much louder then cash :)

...much louder than cash.



my bad...... sorry for the grammatical error.....:( On that note, Menavision, if it was in Spanish, would require an accent (or tilde) on top of the o. So, for you "Mexico" theorists, either the Mexican folks at Menavision forgot the accent or it was not made in Latin America. To boot, the "Mena" part of the word does not exist in the Spanish language. If this company was trying to say "men", it would be "Hombrevisión" or some other Spanish word. In addition, it is an action game so the company maybe wanted to focus on "men", "action" type of games....I am not trying to be sexist or anything but just trying to think where the word Menavision came from.


My two cents of the day........................ :cool:


If its anything like the Brazilian pirate companies, they generally try to sound as "western" as they can, so trying to decypher it in the spanish language will not work ;)

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You clearly have your own agenda assigned to my actions that clearly I can't change, so I won't bother.


I have no agenda. I just thought you were being pointlessly angry over something when you have no way of knowing what the outcome would have been, and wanted to point out a potential reason other than wanting to screw things up for others that whoever informed the seller might have had.


If whoever contacted the seller did actually claim to be "editor of AtariAge", they deserve to be smacked. But otherwise, some of the things you've said in this thread are awfully harsh.


Sorry for this becoming an argument.

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Honestly, if it keeps up and the seller gets harrassed by this tomfoolery, (I can't believe I thought to use that word :D ), then he is likely to start blocking people himself and keep them from his future auctions. Quite possibly this one. Many people are after this game and it only makes sense and is in the nature of many snipers to do these types of things. It's a learned trait and some pick up on it and some do not out of their own personal reasons. Morals really have nothing to do with it. It's an age old thing called fend for yourself. Just because someone tried to get a side deal just made the auction more interesting to the seller. He seems like a smart guy that wants to give everyone a chance to get it so lets just see what happens. Oh, just because it gets out of the price range you were willing to pay does not make it a bad thing. I got outbid buy $1 on a recent auction on Rescue Terra 1 that sold for $87.96. The lowest I have seen this go. BTW: This guy who is selling this lives 2 miles from me and wouldn't sell it to me for the $85 I offered him. Am I mad, nah just aggrevatted. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=170314686992


Snipers and side dealers are everywhere so you just got to get used to it. I don't like it either but I would try it if it is something I really want. ;)

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Wow, dude, you need to chill a little.


What I was trying to say is that even if no one listed it here (which seems unlikely -- yes, people keep other decently big auctions under their hats, but this is an Air Raid), people tend to side-deal the seller out of things like this if no one alerts them to what they have, removing the chance for you to win it in a fair auction. I have no proof that either of those things would have happened, of course, but they both seem like fairly likely outcomes.


And you may not have used the words "ripped off", but that's your implication, that you have been personally wronged somehow by this, when there's no reason that something that's completely public information should be your private deal.

This isn't the first time I've had auctions screwed with my members of this community - perhaps not an "editor of Atari Age" as it was this time - and the antics are long past annoying. The people who engage in this activity - as well as the auction-ending side deal pricks - never stand behind their actions and always hide in the shadows - weak actions by weak people. This auction simply was the latest and largest example of a persistent problem. Again you push the angle that I felt entitled to winning the auction - instead of "ripped off" now its "private deal." You clearly have your own agenda assigned to my actions that clearly I can't change, so I won't bother.


I'm a reseller but not by choice. It'll be obvious to everyone why I have to resell in another month, but I'm not getting into that now. I'm a collector and I collect from the top-down. My only regret so far is selling the Xante game... the wife wanted a vacation and that was the currency. Soon, I'll be paying for everything with Atari games... and in a manner, you could too.

You act like you are entitled to these auctions being private, despite being on Ebay. Fact is you are entitled to nothing. I hate side deals, but they happen all the time, and there is nothing I can do about it, so I got over it. I suggest you get over it as well. This is beyond your control, and you need to stop having a tizzy fit over stupid garbage like this.

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This isn't the first time I've had auctions screwed with my members of this community - perhaps not an "editor of Atari Age" as it was this time - and the antics are long past annoying.


What does that mean? Are you inferring that Albert screwed with this auction? If so, you've got bigger problems.

That was what the seller was told - or claims was told - by the unnamed person who contacted them. I'm mocking the f*cktard masquerading as an "editor of Atari Age."


And if I was dumb enough to believe the troglodyte who contacted the seller, I would be man enough to call out Albert by name instead of in some squishy con-committal quotes. Albert gets nothing but the highest levels of respect from me, and he knows this.


EDIT: Obviously Albert's above post was put up as I was responding with this one and the message has been received.


I sure hope you aren't talking about me. I was watching it as were you. I didn't say anything or post anything tell It was relisted With Air Raid in the title. Then I knew it was all over so it didn't make a differnece. I was just going to pop it with a grand, So you might have gotten it. and as I stated before, I never contacted the sellers. BTW Nice grab on the Music Machine. I missed that one. :)

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Quick thing about Central American releases that I've learned from NES and SMS collecting. Boxes, if there are any, are typically just a plastic, plain case with maybe an insert, but in this case probably just a carboard box with some sort of window showing the game. It probably wasn't much of anything. And they LOVE blue cartridge casings for some odd reason.

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This isn't the first time I've had auctions screwed with my members of this community - perhaps not an "editor of Atari Age" as it was this time - and the antics are long past annoying.


What does that mean? Are you inferring that Albert screwed with this auction? If so, you've got bigger problems.

That was what the seller was told - or claims was told - by the unnamed person who contacted them. I'm mocking the f*cktard masquerading as an "editor of Atari Age."


And if I was dumb enough to believe the troglodyte who contacted the seller, I would be man enough to call out Albert by name instead of in some squishy con-committal quotes. Albert gets nothing but the highest levels of respect from me, and he knows this.


EDIT: Obviously Albert's above post was put up as I was responding with this one and the message has been received.


I sure hope you aren't talking about me. I was watching it as were you. I didn't say anything or post anything tell It was relisted With Air Raid in the title. Then I knew it was all over so it didn't make a differnece. I was just going to pop it with a grand, So you might have gotten it. and as I stated before, I never contacted the sellers. BTW Nice grab on the Music Machine. I missed that one. :)

Your hopes were correct hhwolfman - you sounded like another hopeful like myself. Perhaps on the next go-around we'll have our battle at the end of the auction. Clearly this one isn't meant for either of us.

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