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THE 1 2 P's Demo/Import/Gaming Blog - Imports, Pwnage and Reading


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The king is back. Thats a pretty good opening line I guess. Today's entry is triple titled for various reasons. Lets start with the imports.




Unreal Tournament 3(360)

The Wild Rings(Xbox)

Xbox-ism Spring 2004(Xbox)

Tondemo Crisis(PS1)

Super Mahjong 4(3DO)

Nice Body(3DO)


These are my recent import finds(except UT3) and they are for a nice assortment of systems. Despite being completely mesmerized by my 360 I still collect for my original Xbox. And PS1 imports are what got me started playing import games in the first place. The 3DO is region free so theres no reason not to play import games on it, even if they have.....um, questionable titles :twisted:


As for the pwnage, I was recently called out on DP for a bunch of make believe bull shit by forum troll theshawn, who's also on these boards at AA. He came with his weak ass argument and I preceeded to pwn and embarrass him so badly that he ran to the mods. When has a grown man ever ran to mods to save them for a fight they started? He obviously isn't much of a man. You can see the whole ass beating here. And here is the achievement I received when I pwned him:




I had that in my signature over there. He made fake threats like he was going to do something about it but the only thing he did was cry to the mods like the little bitch that he is. I even called that when he got pwned in the thread. But it's not like forum trolls are unpredictable.


And now we come to our "reading" section. I picked all of this stuff up today:




Guinness World Records 2009: Gamers Edition

Halo: The Cole Protocol



I got last years version of the GWRGE so I decided to get this years too(despite the $2 price increase over last years). They make for fun informative interesting reads. The Cole Protocol is my sixth Halo novel. I have read the first four but still haven't gotten around to reading Contact Harvest, the fifth book. Plus, this book has been really hard to find. I've searched several Barnes and Novels and all of them were sold out. I got lucky when I went to Borders today. As for Starcraft, I grabbed that when I saw it at a game store I frequent, mainly because it was at a good price. I also picked up another 3DO last week(the third one I've found in the wild) but it's going to be heading to ebay soon.


If yall haven't had a chance to watch the Ultimate Gamer on Sci-fi on Tuesday nights, make sure you do. It's a very good show, filled with drama, betrayals and most importantly--gaming. Speaking of gaming, I'm enjoying the next gen very much on my 360 and Wii, but mostly on my 360. It took awhile for me to get here but I'm so glad I did, especially since the 360 has finally worked the majority of it's hardware problems out with it's new Jasper board. Hopefully the next gen doesn't come for atleast another three years.



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