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atari2600land's Blog - Apparently I look under 17...


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So I go to Wal-Mart to buy GTA: Chinatown Wars for my DS collection. When I said I wanted it, the guy asked "are you mature enough?" I said yes, and when we got back to the counter (I have no idea why Wal-Mart keeps video games in those cages. I bet they get tired of people asking them to open them to get games out for them.), he goes ahead and asks for my ID! I don't know why, I have a moustache and everything (I'm 26), but apparently I look way younger than i actually am. Well, with that out of the way, that was my first DS game purchase of a game made in 2009. I don't know if they'll keep making as many games as they do now now that the DSi is out, but I hope so because i enjoy making my collection game by game (I'm up to 122, my favorite DS game is Mario Kart DS.) I'm mulling over whether to buy a DSi or not. Sure, it's expensive, but does it play all the old DS games, too? How easy is the camera to use? How many DSi exclusive games will there be? Well, anyway, here's a list of what I consider to be must-haves for the DS (regular one) for 2009 so far:


+Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

+Suikoden Tierkreis

+Henry Hatsworth

+Rhythm Heaven



About that last one, I enjoy Scrabble. I play Scrabble against myself when my mom isn't around, and I'm curious as to what a DS version would look like. Also, I imagine it's only $20, so it shouldn't take a huge chunk out of my wallet. There's a book about Scrabble I reccomend called "Word Freak," a true story where this reporter guy gets really involved in the world of Scrabble tournaments. That's today's rambling blog, thanks for reading.



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