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Piggles' Blog - Hardware collision 30fps flicker


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I had a problem for a while figuring out what to do about making my flickering sprites collide properly. Using odd frame, even frame, I found that only sprites on the same frame could collide. So I varied my flickering with one sprite alternating frames, and the other doing two frames in a row. Attached is the code and a binary. You drive sprites A and B. C and D will wrap around the vertical edges. If you touch C or D, one of your sprites will die and turn into a skull, the other will keep moving. The reset switch resets the program. Flickered sprites look horrible, but at least now I have two p0s and p1s that'll crash into each other.



altflick.bas ( 3.49K )

Number of downloads: 0




altflick.bas.bin ( 4K )

Number of downloads: 0




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