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Database of 5200 Games vs. Atari 8-bit Computer Games


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A discussion came up in another thread about 5200 games versus Atari 8-bit games. Specifically, given that a person had every single Atair 8-bit game ever commercially released, what would be the benefit of having an Atari 5200? Which games should such a person buy?


As far as I can tell, there are four classes of games that such a person might be advised to purchase for the 5200:


- Games that only appeared on the 5200

- Games that use two buttons

- Games that use the 5200 trak-ball

- Games that use the analog nature of the 5200 controllers


Here is my first cut at such a database. I didn't include homebrews that aren't currently available, and I did not include prototypes. Just commercially released cartridges.


When it comes to the 5200, I don't have most of the games on the list. I can make guesses about the games, but if you have one or more of the games that I need additional data on, please contribute!


                          Analog?   T-ball?   2 Button? Exclusive?	Other/Notes
Activision Decathlon, The                               N
Adventure II              N         N         Y         Y
Astrochase                                              N
Ballblazer                                              N
Beamrider                                     Y         N
Beef Drop                                               N
Berzerk                                                 Y         	Voice synthesis
Blue Print                N         N         N         N
Bounty Bob Strikes Back                                 N
Bristles                                                N
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom                             N
Castle Crisis                                           N
Centipede                 Y         Y         N         N
Choplifter!                                             N
Congo Bongo                                             N
Countermeasure            N         N         Y         Y
Defender                  N         Y         Y         N
Dig Dug                                                 N
Dreadnaught Factor, The                                 N
Frogger                                                 N
Frogger II: Threeedeep!                                 N
Galaxian                  Y         Y                   N
Gorf                      Y         N         N         N
Gremlins                  N         N         Y         Y
Gyruss                                                  N
H.E.R.O.                                                N
James Bond 007                                          N
Joust                                                   N
Jungle Hunt                                             N
K-Razy Shoot-Out                                        N
Kaboom!                   Y         N         N         N
Kangaroo                  N         N         N         Y
Keystone Kapers           N         N         N         N
Koffi Yellow Copter                                     Y
Mario Bros.                                             N
Megamania                                               N
Meteorites                                              Y
Miner 2049er                                            N
Missile Command           Y         Y         N         N
Montezuma's Revenge                                     N
Moon Patrol               ?         N         Y         N
Mountain King                                           N
Mr. Do!'s Castle                                        N
Ms. Pac-Man               N         N         N         N
Pac-Man                   N         N         N         N
Pengo                     Y         Y         N         N
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns                                1
Pitfall!                                                N
Pole Position             Y         Y         Y         N
Popeye                                                  N
Q*bert                                                  N
Qix                       N         N         Y         N
Quest for Quintana Roo                                  N
Realsports Baseball                                     Y
Realsports Football                 Y                   N
Realsports Soccer                   Y                   Y
Realsports Tennis                   Y                   N
Rescue on Fractalus                                     N
River Raid                                              N
Robotron: 2084            N         N         N         N         	Dual Controller Holder works exceptionally well.
Space Dungeon             N         N         N         Y         	Dual Controller Holder works exceptionally well.
Space Invaders            Y         Y         N         N
Space Shuttle                                           N
Star Raiders              Y         N         N         N         	Bug fixes vs. 8-bit computer version.
Star Trek: SOS                                          N
Star Wars: ROTJDSB                                      N
Star Wars: TAG                                          N
Super Breakout            Y         Y         N         N
Super Cobra               N         N         N         N
Vanguard                  N         N         N         Y
Wizard of Wor             N         N         N         N
Zaxxon                                                  N
Zenji                                                   N
Zone Ranger

* Exclusive means the game does not exist as a finished, commercial product for Atari's line of 8-bit computers.
1 = This title has exclusive content not available in the 8-bit version.

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What exclusive content does the 5200 version of Pitfall II have? The 8-bit version also has the second set of levels.




Ah, good to know! I'll correct that next time I update it.

Edited by Ransom
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There are some fun prototypes like Xari Arena and Blaster which I don't believe are on the 8-bit, but you need a flashcart to play them on a 5200.


True, but I'm sticking to full, commercial releases.



Kangaroo was sold on disk by APX for the Atari 8-bit line.


Although I loved APX at the time, I'm not sure its offerings count as a commercial product. It's more than a prototype, but . . .

Edited by Ransom
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There are some fun prototypes like Xari Arena and Blaster which I don't believe are on the 8-bit, but you need a flashcart to play them on a 5200.


True, but I'm sticking to full, commercial releases.



Just wondering, why? I would count them. It's one of the 5200's strengths since so many were in development and cancelled, but playable, or finished. They're relevant since anyone who has a flashcart or similar can play them. Anyway, I would just at least reconsider in this particular circumstance.


Also, I would definitely include APX. Actually, anything that is around right now, whether it be a conversion, or etc, that is readily available in either cart form or .bin to use in a flashcart or other transfer mechanism on real hardware. The reason is that it seems to me that the value of this list is what is available today, to actual gamers, to distinguish between A8 computer line and 5200. It doesn't matter what was or wasn't available back in the day -- if your intent is as I think it is.


Not trying to hi-jack, just offering my view on it.

Edited by Mirage1972
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Although I loved APX at the time, I'm not sure its offerings count as a commercial product. It's more than a prototype, but . . .

Of course they were commercial products. They were officially sold by Atari. Can't get much more commercial than that. Or are you going to argue that Eastern Front, Dandy, Caverns of Mars, Getaway!, Galahad, etc. weren't commercial-grade?

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Argh, how about you get the list out of that annoying scrolling CODE window so we can see it better?


Also, so many people act like its so easy to find A8 carts. I never see them anywhere but 5200 carts are far more plentiful. So just because there exists an A8 version of, say, Gyruss, that doesn't mean you'll find one.

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Wow, lots of folks with lots of opinions. That's good!


Prototypes -- If we include 5200 protos, then we may as well include Glenn's 5200 --> 8-bit hacks and 8-bit protos and so on. I'm not sure the list would be meaningful at that point. Which may be why no one else seems to have done this before. Perhaps it would be better to just make a list of games that use analog controls and/or 2 buttons. That would be simpler. Yes, perhaps that's best.


APX - If there was no difference between an APX release and a full, commercial product, why did Atari take some APX titles and later release them under the Atari label? That said, I think I'll just make it a list of analog/2-button games. In the age of the Internet, exclusivity matters only to the CIB fetishists such as myself.


Cafeman - Yes, that's exactly right; availability has relevance. As far as the code block, I'm not familiar enough with this brand of posting board software to know how to get the monospaced block that I wanted. That was the first way I stumbled across. If you'd care to suggest another way, I'd be happy to repost. But I can't edit that post any longer, unfortunately.

Edited by Ransom
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in my experience the only true analog games for the 5200 are


superbreakout,missile command,star wars,gorf,kaboom,choplifter,rescue on fractalus,poleposition,galaxian


i would love a complete cart list for the 400/800


if anybody ever does a rampage conversion i'm definatly buying a multicart


Edited by bohoki
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Prototypes -- If we include 5200 protos, then we may as well include Glenn's 5200 --> 8-bit hacks and 8-bit protos and so on. I'm not sure the list would be meaningful at that point. Which may be why no one else seems to have done this before. Perhaps it would be better to just make a list of games that use analog controls and/or 2 buttons. That would be simpler. Yes, perhaps that's best.


I was thinking to include the 5200 --> 8-bit hacks, since they're available to modern users on the 8-bits, but then when you get into 8-bit protos... I guess, where do you stop? Maybe the analog/2 button deal is best. I don't know. It's hard to do any sort of direct comparison of anything like this. I'm sure whatever you think is best is fine.

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Both Blaster and Xari Arena are also on the A8...I have them in emulator format (on my pc in XEX format)


I think Xari arena was converted by homesoft (albeit in the style of Glenn 5200 man)

The 8-bit version of Blaster is the original one. They wrote it on the 8-bit first since the 5200 wasn't out yet.


That's odd that a commercial company could get a hold of an unreleased 5200 prototype. I didn't think Xari was one of those games that was leaked out to the BBSs back in the day.



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Oops, forgot to mention that blaster was also A8 converted by homesoft also (according to the XEX i have)

For fuck's sake... Could you stop giving wrong information and cut it out with the moronic posts once and for all?



Atari Frog







who sodding well asked for your opinion

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