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Planet Bob - Mii and the Wii - 1 / 2009


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Hi there!


so here comes my first 2009 Wii report. As I told you before, I'm going to sync it with the release date of the German "Wii Magazin" from now on.


Since this report took a bit longer to happen and also still covers my winter holidays, I'm covering more Wii games than ever before. Here's all the dirty details:


The list of games I'm done with: Wii Sports, Zelda TP, Excite Truck, Metal Slug Anthology, Geometry Wars Galaxy, Bully :thumbsup:, Eledees, Zack & Wiki :thumbsup:, Mario Galaxy, Death Jr., Battalion Wars 2, Disaster :thumbsup:


The rest of my Wii collection:


Metroid Prime 3 => It took a while to get warm with it, but then I got really sucked into this wonderful sci-fi world. There's very creative extra weapons/powers in this one and I love the detailed sceneries. I'm really looking forward to the other two MPs now :thumbsup:


Fire Emblem => Like a dream coming true. The marvellous battle system and the twisted storyline create yet another "Fire Emblem" experience par excellence. I truly love it, just like every other installment of the series :thumbsup:


Boom Blox => If you ask me, it's a totally overhyped toy. It's a low cost production as well, eg. the (pointless) story is told via a couple of ugly drawn screenshots. I'm not mourning the 10 Euro I paid for it though: I got my 5 hours worth of entertainment out of it, i.e. it's on par with some of the better WiiWares. I'm not at all interested in the sequel though.


de Blob => This one is rather good. Great graphics (Capcom should've licensed the engine for Dead Rising ;)), okay soundtrack, nice gameplay. After an initial burst of enthusiasm, I got more and more bored by the repetitive nature of game though, quitting somewhere during the 8th level. BTW: Levels can easily last longer than an hour - and there's no savespots in them... :-o


Opoona => Another 10 Euro impulse buy. It's soooo slow. I sank about 5 hours into this incredibly ugly RPG, but then I really couldn't force myself to keep going. A real flop - these 10 Euro I am mourning! :thumbsdown:


Lego Indiana Jones => I beat this one in coop mode with my wife. Playing 2 chapters a day, it provided a happy hour for us for almost two weeks. Some minor technical flaws and the PS2 look aside, we really enjoyed it. Albeit not enough to keep Lego Star Wars or Batman on the shopping list, owning just one of the series seems good enough ;)


Okami => Do you want to know why this one is not selling? Because "critically acclaimed" and "excellent" is two different things. While this apparently is supposed to be a piece of art, there's just a second rate Zelda clone underneath, that left me in the cold. Also, if you can get the PS2 version, get that, since neither the overdone waggle combat nor the sensor drawing bits seem to work on the Wii as intended.


Resident Evil 4, MadWorld, No More Heroes => All sitting ready-to-go on the shelf.




My updated wishlist of already available titles:


Super Paper Mario => Still waiting for a price drop. I have all the time in the world... ;)


Wario Land - The Shake Dimension => Will it eventually be the first Wii Jump & Run I'm falling in love with? Stay tuned! :)


The Secret Files: Tunguska => Supposedly the best point & click adventure available on the Wii so far, I'll give this a try.


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed => I'm a bit late for adding this, but after my Disaster experience I thought to give another possibly underrated action game a try as well.


Tomb Raider Underworld => Same here. I really like the video that's available on the German Nintendo channel.


Deadly Creatures => Regarding available reviews it's probably no perfect game, but I'm always supporting teh hardcore on my Wii ;)


Tenchu: This'll be my first contact with the series. Being the old "Last Ninja" fanatic I'm really looking forward to it, should be a blast!


Rogue Trooper: This one is getting surprisingly good reviews in Germany, around ~75%. Also I still feel a bit guilty for skipping CoD:WaW.




My future Hopelist:


Spyborgs => Anything with superheroes works for me. Last thing I heard is that they currently rework the graphics. Can't be a bad thing.


So Blonde => Another promising point & click adventure hopefully capturing the spirit of the classic Monkey Island games.


Monster Hunter 3 => Well, I'm usually no fan of Online games, but maybe this one changes everything?


Tiger Woods 10 => I really hope WM+ proves it's worth with this one.


Overlord => Pikmins evil twin? Return of Dungeon Keeper? Dark Side, here I come! :D


Klonoa => At the very least I can remove this one from my PS1 shopping list then :lolblue:






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