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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - No Space After Punctuation is an Insanity Symptom?


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I wonder if no space after punctuation marks is a sign that a person has a disturbed mind? Some people can manage to put spaces between words, but somehow they can't tap the giant space bar after things like commas and periods.


Example with normal spacing:

Gernoopal snerf dittle. Blorp zerfloof nipalipluc tekamucker, camdipple, strumpopple, and zipdoopie. I rax tipal dimdoodle.



Example with disturbed mind spacing:

Gernoopal snerf dittle.Blorp zerfloof nipalipluc tekamucker,camdipple,strumpopple,and zipdoopie.I rax tipal dimdoodle.



I suspect that no space after punctuation marks is a sign that something is horribly wrong with their brains. It's probably a sign that they are turning into those creepy people who don't take showers and don't throw anything away, so their houses or apartments have an awful stench and become almost impossible to move around in.



Random Terrain




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