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THE 1 2 P's Demo/Import/Gaming Blog - Shatterboxed


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You know, I'm not exactly sure what it means either. But if nothing else it's a very cool title. But no one really reads this blog so it doesn't really matter. So let's see, I still haven't been keeping up with my post. I think part of that is because not that much exciting news has been happening around the video game world and I have been purchasing less stuff to save up for my next car. While I'm sure I could just start posting random shit every other day, I'd rather each post have some sort of meaning.....like that meaningless title up there. I did pick up a few things today in my travels:




Monster Madness(360) $4.97

Jampack Vol. 15(PS2) 75 cents

Star Wars TBM dvd $4.00

LOTM Promo cd $3.00

TNA Knocked Out dvd $15.00

Speed Racer $13.98

Memory Card Adapter(PS3) $3.74


Monster Madness and Jampack 15 were both from Sears. Despite Jampack only costing 75 cents the clerk actually tried to sell me an extended two year warranty for 11 cents. After I told him that extended warranties were rarely ever needed for games, I reminded him that this was a clearance game that they didn't have any more copies of. He went on about how I could use the purchase price towards something else and I told him getting 75 cents(if the game broke down) off my my next $20-40 purchase wouldn't be worth it. I think the final thing he said was I could get 15% off my next purchase if something happened to the game but I kind of tuned out by that point. That might not have been a bad deal if I was planning on a mulitple hundred dollar purchase, but I'm not 100% certain if thats what he meant.


Speed Racer was finally cheap enough(new) where I could take the risk of buying it. If it's anything like the movie it's going to super suck. But I'll keep my eyes on the clearance section in case it drops lower. Then I can get the price difference. The PS3 memory card adapter is something that has been clearanced by pretty much every place that use to sell it. It's pretty worthless now(especially considering you can no longer buy backwards compatible PS3's at retail) but in a few years these will be highly sought after. With the way the PS3's price point is going I'm not sure if I'll ever own one, atleast not in the next 3-5 years.


The Star Wars Trilogy cd was a nice bonus I found at Goodwill. I don't own the original trilogy dvd set so this was one of the only ways I could have aquired this disc. And it apparently has a feature on Star Wars games so I'll be checking it out soon. The other surprise was the Last of The Mohicans promo cd. It's a single but it has my favorite song(which got cut out from the movie during the transfer from vhs to dvd) from that movie. And then theres the newest TNA knockout dvd. I just watched the first one and found it meh, but I got it for $5 so it wasn't a bad price.


I still haven't had much luck in finding a place to condense my gaming and life blogs into one. Maybe I should just keep it this way. Because I'm not into the social networking scene my options remain fairly limited. Speaking of limited time, the new Halo 3 Mythic map pack should be launching any hour now as I write this in the wee early hours of April 9. I still haven't decided if I wanted to get now or wait a bit. I have so much other stuff to play. Perhaps I'll wait. But then again.....I've never been much of a patient man.



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