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Planet Bob - Playing Trantor (C64)


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Hi there!


After Soko-Ban I absolutely needed some rather brainless action game, so I tried Trantor:




Unfortunately the C64 version of Probe Softwares creation is a pretty lacking experience. You're basically just flamethrowing your way through 8 alien infested corridors. Pretty ugly aliens and corridors while I'm at it. As someone commented on Lemon64:

Make a choice Probe. Speccy style graphics, or multi-colour. Don't just whack 'em together.


Stealing bits from Impossible Mission here, the corridors contain searchable terminals and lockers. The terminals will reset the time limit and provide randomly spread letters that will build a password when unscrambled (e.g. I found "atforsew" in my game.). The lockers ususally contain health or shields.


The gameplay isn't too hard, but I found the constant waves of attackers a bit overwhelming, especially since it's impossible to avoid them all. The trick is to move rather fast and it helps to memorize the corridor layouts (or use state saving :D).


Once you figured everything out, it takes ~5 minutes to beat:




That sequel announced on the ending screen (thankfully?) never came, so here Trantors official story ended. He became a regular character of Power Plays Starkiller comic strips though :)


Oh, and I should mention that I really liked the intro tune from David Whittaker :music:


Some future day the "Playing..." series may see a another Probe game in the form of "Savage", but first it'll continue with something else.






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