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Over 2 billion sold ...


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Just in case you thought the 6502 was old and no longer used:




Apparently they still sell a few hundred thousand a year for toys, cars, appliances etc.


Funny, because I was just talking to him on the phone yesterday for my wikipedia article. He said the main use now is medical equipment controllers, followed by car dashboards, and then modems.





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Excellent article! I did not know about the wikipedia at all. It still amazes me that a CPU could have such staying power. Granted that its in a different niche but still around after 25 years :!:


Doesn't surprise me, Zilog still sells the Z80 as well (although in faster, enhanced formats). www.zilog.com

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I was looking at the 6502 a few days ago since I've got an urge to design and build my own 6502 computer. What I discovered surprised me. There is at least one US company that produces its own 6502 processors (the G65SC02) with speeds up to 6Mhz, as well as their own 65xx series VIA, PIA and comms interface chips. What I did find mind-boggling was a Taiwanese company producing 6502 instruction-set compatible microcontrollers with 28 I/O pins and built in USB!!


I think you need to take into account the age of the architecture. 2 billion units sold doesn't seem quite so much then.


Haven't found anyone who still produces the 65816 yet, though.

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The 6502 microcontrollers are manufactured by this company:


http://www.weltrend.com (only one L :) )


They're marketing them as monitor controllers (presumably USB I/O and on-screen display). Just tried them now and their servers seemed to be down. However, many of their products seem to be 6502-based so just have a browse through the datasheets for an idea of what they produce.


At the moment the 6502 computer project is on hold until after Christmas due to funds. I have no idea what I'm going to use for visualisation at the moment and only have a rough idea of what I'm going to do as a whole. There are several similar projects on the net so this will be just one of many.


Having said that, I suppose my main wish would be for some genius to produce a VHDL or GAL version of the Atari's custom chips 8) .


Now for a quick question to the 8-bit techies here ... I'm trying to figure out how to use the cartridge port for I/O. Anyone have any pointers for me?

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