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eBay Feedback rant..


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eBay should have some sort of policy where people MUST leave you good feedback if they received the item fine. If they do not leave you good feedback within XX amount of days then the system will automatically give you +1 feedback. Sort of like how if someone doesn't respond to a claim PayPal makes you win automatically.


I signed my Girlfriend up for eBay and we sold one thing. She's going to list some of her doll collection next.


I'm annoyed the that one thing we did sell they won't leave feedback on. They received the item just fine (tracking proves it). I've sent them messages two or three times with no answer.


We just want the feedback so we can start building her some positives.

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eBay should have some sort of policy where people MUST leave you good feedback if they received the item fine. If they do not leave you good feedback within XX amount of days then the system will automatically give you +1 feedback. Sort of like how if someone doesn't respond to a claim PayPal makes you win automatically.


I signed my Girlfriend up for eBay and we sold one thing. She's going to list some of her doll collection next.


I'm annoyed the that one thing we did sell they won't leave feedback on. They received the item just fine (tracking proves it). I've sent them messages two or three times with no answer.


We just want the feedback so we can start building her some positives.

Hey you got my vote.

I received a message from a seller a few months back asking me to leave him feedback,as i had honestly forgotten i left him a glowing positive feedback immediately .Then he never left me one...asshole...

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eBay should have some sort of policy where people MUST leave you good feedback if they received the item fine. If they do not leave you good feedback within XX amount of days then the system will automatically give you +1 feedback. Sort of like how if someone doesn't respond to a claim PayPal makes you win automatically.


I signed my Girlfriend up for eBay and we sold one thing. She's going to list some of her doll collection next.


I'm annoyed the that one thing we did sell they won't leave feedback on. They received the item just fine (tracking proves it). I've sent them messages two or three times with no answer.


We just want the feedback so we can start building her some positives.


You did of course already thank them for their business by giving them (positive) feedback after they paid right?


I received a message from a seller a few months back asking me to leave him feedback,as i had honestly forgotten i left him a glowing positive feedback immediately .Then he never left me one...asshole...


A customer should NEVER have to thank they business they are supporting first. This is a huge reason ebay fixed the feedback system a year ago.

Edited by jetset
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We just want the feedback so we can start building her some positives.

Be careful what you ask for.

Pestering the crap out of someone could result in feedback, but not the kind you want.


I see a 75% or so feedback rate from buyers.

Just pack stuff well, ship quickly, and it will add up soon enough.


Pestering people for feedback is only going to cause issues.

Edited by poobah
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Let's say I sell the dolls we plan on and nobody leaves feedback for those either. Maybe I should just skip the feedback worrying about the feedback. See how long I can go without getting any feedback. I wonder if I could go 20, 50, even 100 transactions without a single feedback.

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As an eBay buyer, I'm the perfect customer.... I buy on average more than one item a week and am constantly leaving positive feedback as soon as it arrives.


It works in reverse, however. As a buyer, I've had to ask sellers to leave feedback MANY times, and only about 1/2 the time I get the feedback AFTER terminding them.


So at the end of the day, out of every 10 items bought, I get 1 to 2 items with no feedback at all. And I ALWAYS pay within minutes (if not seconds) of the auction closing.


The worst offenders are the large sellers with thousands of feedback points. Many of them just don't give a shite any more... you buy and pay, and you never get anything other than an automated acknowledgement and a package in the mail 2 weeks later because they use media mail. I'd say 50% of sellers never reach out with a personal touch at all anymore.

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eBay should have some sort of policy where people MUST leave you good feedback if they received the item fine. If they do not leave you good feedback within XX amount of days then the system will automatically give you +1 feedback. Sort of like how if someone doesn't respond to a claim PayPal makes you win automatically.


I signed my Girlfriend up for eBay and we sold one thing. She's going to list some of her doll collection next.


I'm annoyed the that one thing we did sell they won't leave feedback on. They received the item just fine (tracking proves it). I've sent them messages two or three times with no answer.


We just want the feedback so we can start building her some positives.

I disagree completely. If anything, Ebay should make sellers leave feedback. When I purchase and pay instantly, I should always get good feedback. I've done my part to the fullest. This B.S. where the seller Emails me with "I'll give you some if you give me some" blows. You just gotta realize that there's pretty much zero incentive for either party to leave feedback. It takes time. I've got ~130 positives and a 100% ratio--it took years.

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The worst offenders are the large sellers with thousands of feedback points. Many of them just don't give a shite any more... you buy and pay, and you never get anything other than an automated acknowledgement and a package in the mail 2 weeks later because they use media mail. I'd say 50% of sellers never reach out with a personal touch at all anymore.

I love the idea that you "didn't get anything" for your trouble... except, of course, what you purchased (and in a timely manner too -- I mean, two weeks? Stop and think about how cool it is to live in a time and place where you can get pretty much get whatever you want delivered to your door in two weeks. 'Cuz for most of the world still, and all of the world for most of recorded history, such a thing would be nothing short of miraculous.)


I certainly come from the "personal touch" school of selling, so I'm more than happy to leave feedback for everyone, but holy bejeebers, why is everyone so hung up on getting feedback? It's the equivalent of getting a little gold star sticker on the wall chart in grade school, folks.


Avoid negative feedback.

Beyond that, why waste even a single second of your life stewing about not getting a pat on the back from a complete stranger on the internet?

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The worst offenders are the large sellers with thousands of feedback points. Many of them just don't give a shite any more... you buy and pay, and you never get anything other than an automated acknowledgement and a package in the mail 2 weeks later because they use media mail. I'd say 50% of sellers never reach out with a personal touch at all anymore.

I love the idea that you "didn't get anything" for your trouble... except, of course, what you purchased


Beyond that, why waste even a single second of your life stewing about not getting a pat on the back from a complete stranger on the internet?



You want something someone is selling, you given them money for it, they give you what it is you wanted. Don't understand why everyone needs/wants/deserves a freaking medal over it.


Hey, I just bought gas, Jose deserves a shiny gold star for pushing a button and turning the pump on after I gave him my money and he owes me a shiny gold star too for ... for ... I guess for taking my money so I could buy what I needed and pumping it into my car. What, wait a minute; He's not running out here to give me a kiss or atleast a hearty handshake after I'm done? That damned son of a bitch! :roll:


People really need to stop putting so much effort and value on something that is, in fact, purely optional.

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Sry for the hastily written gripe but...


Although it has been debated infinitum, It pisses me off when I pay immediately, send a thank you saying I am looking forward to the item with payment, and a seller won't leave feedback till after I do still and screw over the transaction. All I want in reality is what I pay for in the condition specified, in a timely manner, packaged carefully and shipped the way it was stated in the auction. Yes I like personal service but it's a faceless transaction on the internet so I am happy when it is accurate and don't expect anything fancy.


That reminds me I have to leave feedback for an auction and am waiting on another. I had paid for priority and got the tracking number and it got sent post. :x It's for my daughter's favorite character pillow which we are down to just one again.

The auction I just got was for 4 kids t-shirts supposedly 24 months and 2t. It was $2.25 plus shipping and 2 of the shirts were 18-24 months in reality and of course wouldn't fit. Not worth sending back since shipping would cost more then the auction.

The other auction I won was for $3 and out of 6 long sleeve shirts 2 of them were also 18-24 months but specified only 24 months. Of the remaining 4 shirts only 2 fit her.

I just give one less star for the description because it's not worth fighting about a couple dollars although I hope I am doing the right thing. :?:


I can't afford to buy kids clothes in the store and feel trapped because it seems that literally every one of the last 3 transactions on Ebay have had something wrong with them. They had awesome seller ratings and seemed like good nice people. The 3 transactions I had at Christmas were flawless for lipstick, perfume, and a cell phone so I don't know why problems now? Although before CTCW, the only other Ebay transactions I had joysticks which turned out to be broken and a shirt for a gift that was not the size specified in the auction.


Odds have not been good for me at all. I really think I am done buying on Ebay completely and will stick to Amazon, CTCW, and Vendazzle. :|

I haven't been able to get around very well recently, or at least more so then usual, so I am limited mobility wise and it's very Frustrating. :(

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I see some very dis-heartening things being said in this thread.


First as far as Yuppicides feedback issue I would just let it go and move on you and your girlfriend will get feedbacks from people who were raised with manners and class don't worry. :)


And as for the nay sayers the Gas station example is a great example! Time was when you pulled up to the pump the attendant would come out fill the tank, clean the glass and check the oil with a smile and a thank you as well as some sort of give away like cups or somesuch which showed the company cared about you and your business and after the service was completed you were thanked for your business and you would reply with a "You're welcome" and good manners and proper etiquette prevailed.

Nowadays we are rude,brusque,and so self absorbed that we can't be bothered. :(


It doesn't matter if the transaction is in person or over the internet it's still business and if you want to keep the customer happy you best be appreciative of their needs and as a customer it's only polite to say you're welcome when the transaction is complete and you are satisfied.


We have a serious breakdown in society when people don't seem to give a damn anymore about how they treat others.

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It is indeed purely optional, but as a Buyer, I bring repeat business to the polite Sellers, and I remember which ones couldn't take the time to provide feedback, and they are less likely to get repeat business.


Even at gas pump the auto pay LED screen says "Thank you".

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It is indeed purely optional, but as a Buyer, I bring repeat business to the polite Sellers, and I remember which ones couldn't take the time to provide feedback, and they are less likely to get repeat business.


Even at gas pump the auto pay LED screen says "Thank you".


I do the same in fact, I have a block list of sorts of sellers I won't buy from. Many of them couldn't be bothered to thank me for my business.

As far as the gas station analogy, that's a fail. First of all, you're not dealing with attendants, not the owner/proprietor of the business. And really, even the guy at the filling station will say "thank you". If the filling station were like some of these ebay sellers, he'd hold up a sign that says...

"I'd like to thank you for your business, but I refuse to until you thank me first for the awesome privilege of buying my gas. Once you have thanked me for said privilege, then and only then will I be certain you are 100% satisfied with your purchase and therefore will not dispute the purchase with your credit card, or complain to my manager about my service."


Sure, common courtesy is optional. Some people realize that. Unfortunately too many LIVE by it and opt not to.


When it comes to ebay, that is exactly why they fixed the feedback system. I actually get feedback about 75% of the time now when I buy. Prior to the update it was less than half the time.

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