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More seller geniuses...


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First, the auction....


Lookie here


"Ladies and Gents, I am selling my old Atari. This console includes the Atari 800 computer and 48k RAM (wow!)! I do not have the power supply so since I cannot run a full test, it must be sold "as is", hence the low starting bid price."




Well, it came with a power supply, and an Omnimon.......


same computer last week


"Includes: Atari 800 computer, 48k RAM (wow!), Atari Writer cartridge (pic), Atari Power Supply, "PR Connection" by ICD printer interface, and various manuals/docs as shown (Atari 400/800 manuals, Atari Writer help card, Analog Compendium notebook, Omnimon instructions, and a couple other minor docs) in a handsome (NOT) binder."


I was gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and just assume he stole the pictures (which he did for 2 of them)

But, 1 is different....


just speculation here, but does the truth sound more like "I bought this with an omnimon, ripped it out and screwed it up in the process, so now it is broke, but you can have it cheap"?

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There are so many stupid sellers on eBay and CraigsList, it depresses me sometimes. I could write a book, but the most recent one was just last week. A guy put on CL "an atari and some games". That's about all he said. So, I inquired about what kind of Atari, and could I get a model number, list of games, and list of any accessories it comes with, or at least/also photos (hey, you never know, there's been a lot of Air Raid's recently). He replied with a tiny photo, enough for me to tell that it was a typical small commons 2600 lot. Fine, okay... but all he said with the photo was "you come and buy it right now or it's going on my burn pile". Erm, okay you frikkin' redneck, get real close and breathe in some arsenic/chemical fumes too, moron! I've met a couple nice people via CL, but only probably 20%. The rest I converse with or meet are scary, stupid, and probably at least half crazy. And these people represent humanity in general?! Wow.

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