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atari2600land's Blog - Making up for lost time


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I haven't been paying much attention to my 2600 lately. Apart from a few games of Strat-O-Gems Deluxe and some repros, I haven't been doing much lately with it. Well, I'm just working out some deals that will, once everything is said and done, raise my 2600 collection total to 270 unique titles. The games I'll be getting are: Solar Storm, Fathom, Survival Run, Taz, Flash Gordon, Sub-Scan, and M.A.D. I'm still waiting for Golf for the Virtual Boy to come from the Goat Store, so I was going to write to them, but when I went to do it, it said they're renovating the site, so i couldn't write a customer support ticket. Well, anyway, it's about time to plug in the ol' Atari 2600 and play some games I do have. I played Wii Sports last night and got a new high score in Bowling: 213. My usual score in real bowling is half that. I still think the Wii is mad at me because it usually knocks down 8 or 9 pins instead of them all so I have to settle for spares, which really makes me mad. My usual score in Wii Sports Bowling is somewhere between 130-150. Makes me want to hook up the 2600 bowling game.



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