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xformer emulation help!

Joey Kay

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Hey gang!


I'm once again tackling emulating 8-bit Atari on the PC (I don't know why - for all the time I spend trying to get these emulators to work, it would be easier just to hook my my 130XE...)


Anyhow, how the heck does a guy run downloaded ROMS on XFORMER 2000?





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  • 1 year later...

You have to get that bin file onto a disk image file that has dos on it.

The emulator can load the .atr files or xfd type files.


There probably is some utility to convert an atari file on a pc to a atr or xfd file with atari dos on it, but I know of none.


So, if your file is on an atari disk, instead of a pc, then you can make the atr type files with Ape, and the pro cable.



If your file is on a pc, and you have a modem on both the pc and atari, you can just send the file over to the atari, put it on a dos disk, then make your atr file with ape.


Your also might do this with a null modem cable between the pc and atari, and both run a terminal program.



Try doing a search engine search and use words atari xformer utility.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I use Xformer 2000 for windows version 8 and I am having zero problems


With the Xformer all you do is download the .atr files and have fun playing the games.


However everyone has their favorite emulator and mine happens to be Xformer 2000 for windows v.8

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