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atari2600land's Blog - To-Nights


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Went to Wal-Mart today to get some more computer paper and saw Nights: Journey Into Dreams for Nintendo Wii for $10 and decided to buy it. Heck, it was only $10. So I'll have something new to play for the Wii tonight (once Mom goes to sleep...) and my grand total of Wii games is...5 (if you count Wii Sports.) I'd like to get Klonoa and Wario Land: Shake It, but the $50 price tag for Wario seems like a bit too much. Why does it have to be so expensive, it's not like it's a Mario game or anything. I'll probably get Klonoa at Best Buy on Friday if it's <$40. I haven't played the Saturn version of NiGHTS yet (or any other NiGHTS for that matter,) so I'm new to the whole NiGHTS thing. One thing I don't like is really long introduction sequences. I bought the game so I could PLAY it, not watch it, so hopefully it won't have a super duper long one. The other Wii games I have are Pinball Hall of Fame: Williams, Mario Kart Wii, and Super Mario Galaxy (and the aforementioned Wii Sports.) So hopefully, I'll like Nights.



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