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When Robots Attack - Yikes!


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Yikes! This is my first post in over 2 years! Thankfully, Atari Age has preserved my silly little blog through that entire period of inactivity. So, why the new post? Well, as it turns out my geeky outbursts need a home for archiving. Twittering is great fun to randomly expunge some energy, but with a blog there are obvious advantages, especially when it's hosted in a forum catering to individuals with similar interests. So with that said, here's the latest feed.


About a year ago, a fellow co-worker had been arduously cleaning out his garage, when he stumbled on some a few relics from long ago. The find was a couple Atari computers (an 800 and an 800XL), peripherals (printer, disk drive, tape drive, etc.), and literature (loads of ANTIC mags). He asked me if I was interested in taking over this collection of goodies free of charge. Of course I agreed, much to my wife's dismay. =P




So, last week, after many, many months of putting it off, I finally got the 800XL up and running and things look mighty pleasant. The machine seems to be in good working order. Getting my 7-year old to type in some BASIC programs was quite a treat.


Earlier this week, the very same co-worker dropped off a large binder at my desk filled with old reference text relating to the Atari 400/800 computers. The meaty (read: thicker than a telephone book) text contained an OS reference manual and a hardware reference manual. The hardware reference manual is pure bliss. It goes into some of the technical nooks and crannies of the functions of the computer's chips and what have you. Good stuff. Between the ANTIC magazines and this beast, I'll have plenty of reading material throughout the summer. I hope I can make time for it. =)






By the way, when did Bawls start making Root Beer? I must be outta touch!




Mmmmm.....caffeine. =)



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