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mos6507's Blog - Chimera Project Cancelled


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I was going to wait until June for this, but I was checking my PM history and noticed a shout out I gave over two years ago when Delicon did a previous disappearing act and well, I figure enough is enough. If Delicon does appear again, I have a clear conscience in telling him I'm washing my hands of it. The project started around Hurricane Katrina back in the fall of 2005. Ample time has been given for it to come to maturity. We've been at the current stage of development for close to a year now with no forward momentum because of Delicon being unreachable. So while it may be just one rev away from beta release, that just doesn't do any good if he doesn't come back and finish the job. He's put a lot of time and money into this project over the years and I am grateful for that, but times change and priorities change. The frustration of these long delays just kept draining my enthusiasm each and every time to the point where there is only a lingering obligation to finish what was started rather than any joy or passion for it. I am consoled by the fact that Batari has leveraged some of the Chimera R&D in creating the Harmony cart. It will never be able to do everything Chimera was planned to do, but it might be able to venture a bit into Chimera territory with enough creative programming, and that's good enough for me. A tangible product is what matters. Let's get on with it shall we? Chimera is dead. Long live Harmony.







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