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atari2600land's Blog - Jackpot


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Today I got in the mail Sub-Scan, Taz, Survival Run, Fathom, M.A.D. and Flash Gordon, bringing my total # of 2600 games to 270. I also went to the game store (same ol' same ol', nothing new), and Borders, where I got a Pat Metheny Group CD, three long songs on it. You've ever heard of the Weather Channel's "Local on the 8s" segment? It's that kind of music, only a bit more livelier. Today did start out a bit rough, though: the dog refused to pee outside. When we got home, sure enough, there was a wet spot in the den. He yelps when I pick him up sometimes, he's done that for a while now, but refusing to go outside is new for him. So hopefuly things will get better in that department. The dog is only 11 years old and he acts like five years older than that. My cat is 16 years old and is better at being active than the dog is. Well, time to go poking around the internet for more 2600 games.



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