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EricBall's Tech Projects - My free time is doomed!


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This weekend my wife spotted Civilization Revolution for the PS3 at Walmart. She (and I) loved playing Civ (1,2&3) so she was immediately interested. I thought I remembered seeing a downloadable demo, but I couldn't find it. Silly me it's "Sid Meier's Civilization" so it's under S. Anyway, I downloaded it and starting playing Monday morning.


They are cruel. This ain't no demo, it's the first third of the game in all it's glory. More than enough to make me remember why I spent so many hours playing Civ. I originally skipped the demo because some of the early reviews implied it was "dumbed down" for the console. While I understand that a Civ4 purist might scoff at the simplifications; I, for one, won't mind not having to micromanage each citizen.


Unfortunately, you can't save your game in the demo. But I'm sure this coming weekend I'll be playing the full version.




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