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potatohead's Blog - Battle Pong!


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I quickly fired off a bunch of PONG power up options on a thread a while back, and it's been nagging at me. So, I think I'm going to explore this and do some Batari Basic again. Ooze! was a real kick. I had a good time, and enjoyed the feedback on the game. The home brew itch is coming to me again. Time to start scratching...


The bB has paddle support now, and a LOT of options! Time to revisit that.


So, it's setup the environment again. Last time I was on Linux. This time it will be XP as that is where my Propeller stuff lives currently.


Been musing about the control mechanic. Putting english on the ball makes a lot of sense. Deffo want to do that. Using the button to activate the power up, when it is captured makes sense too. I think both are needed to make a game of it.


Any BATTLE PONG ideas? Post them up here. I'll be looking at them, and maybe having a bit of conversation as I flesh out the game ideas.


Can TWO paddles operate with bB, or does that mean assembly for me? That's the very first question I've got to resolve. If you know, great! If not, when I get setup again, I'll find out soon enough.





----------------Original Game Ideas------------------------------------



I think being able to put "english" on the ball would be cool, in combination with the power ups! That way, it's a game to get them, and attempt to put the other player off balance.


Some powerups:


English - or not... see above


hold ball


advance paddle position forward


sticky ball


random bounce


little ball


big ball


two balls --player releases a ball, and another one, and triple score if other player misses both sequentially, otherwise ordinary score based on remaining ball. No point given for miss of first ball.


fat paddle


narrow paddle


reversed paddle


random paddle - jitters for a while


two paddles -- one in front, one in ordinary position


god wall - player can't miss for a while


bullets - get three shots at the other player


gravity ball - ball attracted to players paddle, motion influences ball movement


center wall, for a mini break out session, with a risk of point given, should player that has the ball miss!


bent paddle - for limiting possible returns to other player


invisible paddle


switch controls! - for a time each player gets the other players paddle, point given to non-controlling player for a miss, so the game is just mirrored for a short time


Call it battle pong!



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