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Disappointment With a Happy Ending


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Yes today is going to be the day I get my 5200 from that guy at the flea market!!!!!!! An almost brand new 2 port 5200 with the purple plastic still on the silver stripe in the middle. Beautiful as can be (but no box :( )! What a deal only $50 with 5 boxed games + manuals and overlays


A 45 Minute drive later


I pick up the beast and hook it up to test her (this was at the flea market). Pop in some Pac-Man and press the button........

The screen changes from static to diarrhea green and brown :woozy: . After hundreds of attempts to get 'ol Stella to work we officially declared her as broken. WHAT A GREAT WAY TO RUIN MY WHOLE ENTIRE WEEKEND!! Hey how much is that TurboGrafx16 up there?


Well at least I didn't leave empty handed


1 week and 45 minutes later


That guy over at the flea market had a nice lookin' Lynx. Maybe I can get that and a bunch of 2600 games off his hands for cheap.


Holy cow!!!


On the floor where a broken 5200 once laid, a gigantic box huge enough to fit a plasma screen TV into. I open the box labeled "atari 5200" with over ecstatic people on it and there is another beauty. A 4 port Atari 5200 with the same amount of games and hookups (without the purple plastic :( )for the same price of $50 and with 15 2600 games, $55. The vendor said that he and his son tested it at home and played it for hours (foreshadowing) so there was no need to hook the gigantic thing up right there and test it. The vendor also said that he almost couldn't get his son to let go of it and let him sell it.


So the only disappointment to this story, both controllers broke one day later. At least the start button worked so I can play Pac-Man for the rest of my weekend.


A console you have your heart set on is broken, but another one is always there to cheer you up, if your lucky. It's like a relationship. You find a girl, get to know her a bit, have dinner, Almost talk her into going to your place until you find out...


She has aids, but luckily she's not the only pretty girl named Stella at the bar, or in my case, she's not the only 5200 in the store.


Have you ever had an experience like this??? (system wise, not girlfriend/boyfriend wise)

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After hundreds of attempts to get 'ol Stella to work we officially declared her as broken.

STELLA!!?!?!?! That is the 2600. Her name is PAM!


Sorry to hear she sick. There is a repair manual online if you have any electronics skills.



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After hundreds of attempts to get 'ol Stella to work we officially declared her as broken.

STELLA!!?!?!?! That is the 2600. Her name is PAM!


Sorry to hear she sick. There is a repair manual online if you have any electronics skills.




Oops I forgot :P .

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Could be worse. You could have stuck your joystick into the sick system and caught an STD...





I caught the 4 port giving the 2 port a look. Good thing I bought the 4 port before anything happened. Then I would be stuck with 2 broken systems and a whole lotta STDs.

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